
4 Posts
boatkinson posted this 24 December 2023
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It appears like nicepage has options for small, tile or mozaic buttons.

Can a user automatically scale or down size images?
And link this to individual pages on site?

Thank you,

Bo Atkinson

It appears like nicepage has options for small, tile or mozaic buttons. Can a user automatically scale or down size images? And link this to individual pages on site? Thank you, Bo Atkinson
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 December 2023

Hello bo,

Thanks for contacting us.

For a better understanding, please attach screenshots or a short video demonstrating your question. We will try our best to help you.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello bo, Thanks for contacting us. For a better understanding, please attach screenshots or a short video demonstrating your question. We will try our best to help you. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
4 Posts
boatkinson posted this 25 December 2023

Updated Question- Finally saw your Premium Trial with its text tools, but...

Does nice page import entire, old websites which is mostly simply text with images? I need to continue rebuilding my decades-old website, (with a better app). I use my own content, not pre-fab stuff from other sources.

I could not find the normal Mac OS Menu on top to access mold files or folders.

Attached screenshot is of my word-processor with a typical menu-bar on top, which has my files displayed in a frame right-side on bottom.


Updated Question- Finally saw your Premium Trial with its text tools, but... Does nice page import entire, old websites which is mostly simply text with images? I need to continue rebuilding my decades-old website, (with a better app). I use my own content, not pre-fab stuff from other sources. I could not find the normal Mac OS Menu on top to access mold files or folders. Attached screenshot is of my word-processor with a typical menu-bar on top, which has my files displayed in a frame right-side on bottom. Bo
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 December 2023


Nicepage cannot import any other site format except the Nicepage Projects.
As for the menu bar, Nicepage has another UI model and the menu is located on top with the most recently used options and the whole number of tools in the left sidebar. Let me know if you have any problems finding some options.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nicepage cannot import any other site format except the Nicepage Projects. As for the menu bar, Nicepage has another UI model and the menu is located on top with the most recently used options and the whole number of tools in the left sidebar. Let me know if you have any problems finding some options. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
4 Posts
boatkinson posted this 26 December 2023

Can nice page open a simple html webpage in my personal files? Please send or post a screenshot of nicepage-menu to open exiting html.

Can nice page open a simple html webpage in my personal files? Please send or post a screenshot of nicepage-menu to open exiting html.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 December 2023


Thanks for the response

Unfortunately, Nicepage can't open and edit exported or existing HTML websites, or files. Into Nicepage can be imported only projects that were previously exported from the Nicepage.


Furthermore, with Nicepage you can export/import blocks and pages from other projects



Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thanks for the response Unfortunately, Nicepage can't open and edit exported or existing HTML websites, or files. Into Nicepage can be imported only projects that were previously exported from the Nicepage. !1export-project.png! !import.png! Furthermore, with Nicepage you can export/import blocks and pages from other projects !export-import-blck.png! !export-page.png! !import-page.png! ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2724 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 26 December 2023

You might be able to copy and paste the text and images from an old site into Nicepage to rebuild it.

You might be able to copy and paste the text and images from an old site into Nicepage to rebuild it.
4 Posts
boatkinson posted this 26 December 2023

I tried copy and paste.... Nicepage did not paste any images or code, just plain text without paragraphs, etc...

Thanks for trying to be helpful ,but old html files are not imported by any app. So far a dozen builder-editor apps were tried today and none import old html for Mac-only WYSIWYG users. Only code-apps do this and these do work, without previews, (blind for me).

I tried copy and paste.... Nicepage did not paste any images or code, just plain text without paragraphs, etc... Thanks for trying to be helpful ,but old html files are not imported by any app. So far a dozen builder-editor apps were tried today and none import old html for Mac-only WYSIWYG users. Only code-apps do this and these do work, without previews, (blind for me).
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