SEO Alt Tag issue (inside grid repeater)

4 Posts
JonMWaz posted this 11 December 2023
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Good morning. Initially I thought I had an SEO Atl Tag bug...however, it turns out that in the grid repeater, if there is an image in each grid, all images will share the same SEO Alt tag name. Is there no other option, or am I stuck with each image in the grid repeater having the same SEO Alt tag name?

Please advise.

Good morning. Initially I thought I had an SEO Atl Tag bug...however, it turns out that in the grid repeater, if there is an image in each grid, all images will share the same SEO Alt tag name. Is there no other option, or am I stuck with each image in the grid repeater having the same SEO Alt tag name? Please advise. Thanks...Jon
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 December 2023

Hi, Jon,

Yes, indeed, all images inside Grid Repeater use the same SEO Alt text. This is the default behavior as all the elements in the Grid Repeater Element are the same in all cells. We have added to our wishlist the possibility of setting different SEO Alt texts for each image in Grid Repeater.

So far, I can only suggest using the Grid Element that allows editing each grid cell (including SEO Alt) independently.

Let us know if you need our further help!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Jon, Yes, indeed, all images inside Grid Repeater use the same SEO Alt text. This is the default behavior as all the elements in the Grid Repeater Element are the same in all cells. We have added to our wishlist the possibility of setting different SEO Alt texts for each image in Grid Repeater. So far, I can only suggest using the **Grid Element** that allows editing each grid cell (including SEO Alt) independently. Let us know if you need our further help! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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