61 Posts
designdealer13 posted this 04 December 2023

Two points.
1) HYHENS : The ability to tick a hyphen for a chosen paragraph is missing, which is very useful when justifying a text. :
2) SVG COLOR : Regarding the colouring of SVGs, I don't like the fact that they turn into PNGs. It doesn't look clean. Can you look at what my developers use in the office: it's pretty amazing. All you have to do is give a colour and the black SVG is coloured:


Two points. **1) HYHENS :** The ability to tick a hyphen for a chosen paragraph is missing, which is very useful when justifying a text. : **2) SVG COLOR :** Regarding the colouring of SVGs, I don't like the fact that they turn into PNGs. It doesn't look clean. Can you look at what my developers use in the office: it's pretty amazing. All you have to do is give a colour and the black SVG is coloured: THANK YOU
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 December 2023

Hello Stéfane,

Thanks for helping us improve Nicepage! Your advice and feedback are beneficial to our development.

For now, it is not possible but you can add these two lines by hand, add any text element, set the class name anything, and then write CSS for this class name, this is about hyphens and about SVG, do you mean that when you upload SVG and download as HTML or project, after checking previous SVG is changed to png?
You can also write code for SVG, .class{fill: red;}

The best wishes from Nicepage.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Stéfane, Thanks for helping us improve Nicepage! Your advice and feedback are beneficial to our development. For now, it is not possible but you can add these two lines by hand, add any text element, set the class name anything, and then write CSS for this class name, this is about hyphens and about SVG, do you mean that when you upload SVG and download as HTML or project, after checking previous SVG is changed to png? You can also write code for SVG, .class{fill: red;} The best wishes from Nicepage. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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