Collegamento pagina home su android

9 Posts
gianlucolici posted this 17 October 2023
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Ciao, perché se creo un collegamento della pagine index.html sulla home di Android dopo un po non si collega più ?
Dando questo errore " Impossibile raggiungere il sitoConnessione negata da
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Ciao, perché se creo un collegamento della pagine index.html sulla home di Android dopo un po non si collega più ? Dando questo errore " Impossibile raggiungere il sitoConnessione negata da Prova a: Verificare la connessione ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED "
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 17 October 2023

Hello Gianluca,

Thanks for contacting us!

The error message "Unable to reach site Connection denied from Try: Verify connection" means that your device is trying to connect to itself, but the connection is being refused. This can happen for a few reasons:

  • Your device's firewall is blocking the connection.
  • There is a problem with your device's network settings.
  • There is a problem with the Nicepage app on your device.

Therefore, first, make sure:

  • Make sure that your device is connected to the internet.
  • Disable your device's firewall.
  • Try restarting your device.
  • Try reinstalling the Nicepage app.

If the problem persists, then please provide a detailed description and for better understanding, some screenshots or a short video.
Thank you.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Gianluca, Thanks for contacting us! The error message *"Unable to reach site Connection denied from Try: Verify connection"* means that your device is trying to connect to itself, but the connection is being refused. This can happen for a few reasons: - Your device's firewall is blocking the connection. - There is a problem with your device's network settings. - There is a problem with the Nicepage app on your device. Therefore, first, make sure: - Make sure that your device is connected to the internet. - Disable your device's firewall. - Try restarting your device. - Try reinstalling the Nicepage app. If the problem persists, then please provide a detailed description and for better understanding, some screenshots or a short video. Thank you. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
9 Posts
gianlucolici posted this 17 October 2023

Allora il sito che ho creato con nicepage non funziona in locale sul cellulare android ? deve essere collegato a internet per farlo funzionare ?
Perché non posso seguire il percorso della scheda SD sul mio cellulare per aprire la pagine Home.html o Index.html

Allora il sito che ho creato con nicepage non funziona in locale sul cellulare android ? deve essere collegato a internet per farlo funzionare ? Perché non posso seguire il percorso della scheda SD sul mio cellulare per aprire la pagine Home.html o Index.html

Last edited 17 October 2023 by gianlucolici

Support Team
Support Team posted this 18 October 2023

Hello Gianluca,

There are two reasons why your Nicepage site might not be working locally on your Android phone:

Nicepage sites are designed to be hosted on a web server. When you publish your Nicepage site, it generates a set of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that need to be hosted on a web server in order to be displayed correctly. When you open your site in a web browser, the browser downloads these files from the web server and displays them to you.

Android phones are not designed to open local HTML files directly. By default, when you tap on an HTML file on your Android phone, it will open in a web browser and try to load the file from the internet. This is because Android phones are designed to be used to access the web, and not to open local files.

To open your Nicepage site locally on your Android phone, you will need to use a different method.

As for the SD card:

Your web browser may not support opening local HTML files. By default, most web browsers on Android devices will try to load HTML files from the internet, even if you specify a local file path. To open a local HTML file in a web browser, you will need to use a browser that supports this feature. Some browsers that support opening local HTML files include Chrome DevTools, Firefox Focus, and Opera Browser.

The SD card might be mounted incorrectly. If the SD card is not mounted correctly, your Android device will not be able to access it. To check if the SD card is mounted correctly, go to Settings > Storage > SD card. If the SD card is mounted correctly, you should see a status message that says "Mounted".

Hope this helps. Please let us know the result.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Gianluca, **There are two reasons why your Nicepage site might not be working locally on your Android phone:** Nicepage sites are designed to be hosted on a web server. When you publish your Nicepage site, it generates a set of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that need to be hosted on a web server in order to be displayed correctly. When you open your site in a web browser, the browser downloads these files from the web server and displays them to you. Android phones are not designed to open local HTML files directly. By default, when you tap on an HTML file on your Android phone, it will open in a web browser and try to load the file from the internet. This is because Android phones are designed to be used to access the web, and not to open local files. To open your Nicepage site locally on your Android phone, you will need to use a different method. **As for the SD card:** Your web browser may not support opening local HTML files. By default, most web browsers on Android devices will try to load HTML files from the internet, even if you specify a local file path. To open a local HTML file in a web browser, you will need to use a browser that supports this feature. Some browsers that support opening local HTML files include Chrome DevTools, Firefox Focus, and Opera Browser. The SD card might be mounted incorrectly. If the SD card is not mounted correctly, your Android device will not be able to access it. To check if the SD card is mounted correctly, go to Settings > Storage > SD card. If the SD card is mounted correctly, you should see a status message that says "Mounted". Hope this helps. Please let us know the result. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
9 Posts
gianlucolici posted this 18 October 2023

Grazie. Ho provato Chrome DevTools, Firefox Focus, and Opera Browser su APP Android. Ma mi crea sempre lo stesso problema. Apro il file index.html "ok si apre il sito e funziona" creo l'icona di collegamento su desk Android e funziona. Ma se dopo un pó di tempo clicco su l'icona non si apre piú dandomi sempre lo stesso errore. questo solo quando apro il sito il locale dopo 10 minuti.


Grazie. Ho provato Chrome DevTools, Firefox Focus, and Opera Browser su APP Android. Ma mi crea sempre lo stesso problema. Apro il file index.html "ok si apre il sito e funziona" creo l'icona di collegamento su desk Android e funziona. Ma se dopo un pó di tempo clicco su l'icona non si apre piú dandomi sempre lo stesso errore. questo solo quando apro il sito il locale dopo 10 minuti.!Screenshot-2023-10-18-204639.png!

Last edited 18 October 2023 by gianlucolici

Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 October 2023

Hello Gianluca,

First of all, thank you for using Nicepage, we have a few notes.

  1. Any HTML, CSS, JS, React, Python, Angular, or any other files on your PC is local, If you don't use NicePage but write the code locally on your computer, it will only be available to your computer. This is not unique or created by Nicepage, it was just like that, developers use different methods for this, and one of the best methods is to upload to a server and share it with everyone from there. Developers use GitHub to upload and share code with other developers. So we understand the first note, any file on your computer is local to your computer.
  2. About the computer. As for PC, you have it locally and you can easily open it on PC with just 1-2 clicks. For example, make any file name just end in .html, it will work on a computer but not on another laptop or mobile.
    So we already know that HTML needs to open locally or upload on publish.
  3. The biggest problem for us is that we don't understand what you are trying to do. So what do you want to do?
    Do you want to test your website on mobile? And don't you want to check before publishing? Do you want to do this? Did we understand correctly?
  4. You can use other, third-party plugins or apps to see how it is on mobile without publishing. If we try to explain the process, you take your website and upload
    you can also use ngrok it may help you use their service may helps you. This is a tunnel from your PC to your Mobile.

If we misunderstanding please tell us your goals, purposes, and everything for clarifying what you want to do.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Gianluca, First of all, thank you for using Nicepage, we have a few notes. 1. Any HTML, CSS, JS, React, Python, Angular, or any other files on your PC is local, If you don't use NicePage but write the code locally on your computer, it will only be available to your computer. This is not unique or created by Nicepage, it was just like that, developers use different methods for this, and one of the best methods is to upload to a server and share it with everyone from there. Developers use GitHub to upload and share code with other developers. So we understand the first note, any file on your computer is local to your computer. 2. About the computer. As for PC, you have it locally and you can easily open it on PC with just 1-2 clicks. For example, make any file name just end in .html, it will work on a computer but not on another laptop or mobile. So we already know that HTML needs to open locally or upload on publish. 3. The biggest problem for us is that we don't understand what you are trying to do. So what do you want to do? Do you want to test your website on mobile? And don't you want to check before publishing? Do you want to do this? Did we understand correctly? 4. You can use other, third-party plugins or apps to see how it is on mobile without publishing. If we try to explain the process, you take your website and upload you can also use [ngrok][1] it may help you use their service may helps you. This is a tunnel from your PC to your Mobile. If we misunderstanding please tell us your goals, purposes, and everything for clarifying what you want to do. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
9 Posts
gianlucolici posted this 29 October 2023

Hi, I really like NICEPAGE.
I don't want to create a website and then publish it. I'm creating dynamic pages with nicepage that at the end of the project I want to put on my mobile phone and view the pages to document myself and read the documents on the mobile phone. Nothing that difficult. " Pages and documents that I update every now and then " . What happens, if I open the index file on my phone directly in the folder it opens fine. But if I want to create an index link and open the file from home, on the first view it works if I close and then reopen the file index no longer opens.

Hi, I really like NICEPAGE. I don't want to create a website and then publish it. I'm creating dynamic pages with nicepage that at the end of the project I want to put on my mobile phone and view the pages to document myself and read the documents on the mobile phone. Nothing that difficult. " Pages and documents that I update every now and then " . What happens, if I open the index file on my phone directly in the folder it opens fine. But if I want to create an index link and open the file from home, on the first view it works if I close and then reopen the file index no longer opens.
9 Posts
gianlucolici posted this 29 October 2023

Maybe I'm asking something outside of the nicepage function. I'm sorry for the time you spend on me. if no problem can be solved.

Maybe I'm asking something outside of the nicepage function. I'm sorry for the time you spend on me. if no problem can be solved.
1 Posts
suspiciousb09 posted this 30 October 2023

I'm sorry for the time you spend on me. <a href>geometry dash unblocked</a>

I'm sorry for the time you spend on me. &lt;a href&gt;geometry dash unblocked&lt;/a&gt;

Last edited 30 October 2023 by suspiciousb09

Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 October 2023

Hello Gianluca,

Thanks for using Nicepage!

This may help you. Download the whole project as HTML and put it on your mobile. Copy as HTML project and paste to mobile phone. You can upload it in Drive and download it by a link from your Mobile Phone.
Then you will have a whole directory of projects on the mobile phone and you will open it locally on your mobile phone.

I think this is the only option to work correctly, You will not have published and you will have a local project on your Mobile phone.

-- But if I want to create an index link and open the file from home, on the first view it works if I close and then reopen the file index no longer opens.

You can not do this, you can not just copy the index link on your PC and try to open it from your phone. Everything works locally, and if you want to see it correctly, and open the index correctly, it needs to have the whole project, the whole directory, every file in one folder, and everything on mobile and it will work.

Your PC is not a server. Your PC and your mobile are not connected, and the server does not work like Wifi. If you want to locally open you must install (put in project) in locally, where you want to open it.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Gianluca, Thanks for using Nicepage! This may help you. Download the whole project as HTML and put it on your mobile. Copy as HTML project and paste to mobile phone. You can upload it in Drive and download it by a link from your Mobile Phone. Then you will have a whole directory of projects on the mobile phone and you will open it locally on your mobile phone. I think this is the only option to work correctly, You will not have published and you will have a local project on your Mobile phone. **-- But if I want to create an index link and open the file from home, on the first view it works if I close and then reopen the file index no longer opens.** You can not do this, you can not just copy the index link on your PC and try to open it from your phone. Everything works locally, and if you want to see it correctly, and open the index correctly, it needs to have the whole project, the whole directory, every file in one folder, and everything on mobile and it will work. Your PC is not a server. Your PC and your mobile are not connected, and the server does not work like Wifi. If you want to locally open you must install (put in project) in locally, where you want to open it. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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