Rotating background

1 Posts
ron.sahertian posted this 27 August 2019
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Is rotating backgound-images possible with Nicepage?

Per x seconds OR by refresh page

Is rotating backgound-images possible with Nicepage? Per x seconds OR by refresh page
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3 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 August 2019


No, there is no such functionality. You can use the video background or the static images.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, No, there is no such functionality. You can use the video background or the static images. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2 Posts
p.verheugt2 posted this 01 April 2024


How do I use the video background or the static image?

Anyway, I'm trying to rotate a picture in NP. Is there really no such way?

Hi, How do I use the video background or the static image? Anyway, I'm trying to rotate a picture in NP. Is there really no such way?

Last edited 01 April 2024 by p.verheugt2

Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 April 2024

Hello Ron,

You can use any free tool to rotate the image and upload it to Nicepage since Nicepage editor has no such option.
You can set the video as a block background or image.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Ron, You can use any free tool to rotate the image and upload it to Nicepage since Nicepage editor has no such option. You can set the video as a block background or image. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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