Do we still need WooCommerce install to set up online shop ?

1 Posts
alexhfreeman posted this 03 October 2023
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Hi everyone,

May be someone here can help. with all these update for E-commerce, Do we still need to install it or is nicepage now
have all that functionality built in? it is really getting confusing.

Hi everyone, May be someone here can help. with all these update for E-commerce, Do we still need to install it or is nicepage now have all that functionality built in? it is really getting confusing.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 October 2023


It's up to you. You can use either WooCommerce to edit and output products or Nicepage Products without the WooCommerce installation. Please watch what you have in the property Panel for the Product List.

Nicepage is for Nicepage Products
WordPress or Joomla is for Products from WooCommerce.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Alex, It's up to you. You can use either WooCommerce to edit and output products or Nicepage Products without the WooCommerce installation. Please watch what you have in the property Panel for the Product List. Nicepage is for Nicepage Products WordPress or Joomla is for Products from WooCommerce. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 03 October 2023 by Support Team

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