Warenkorb mit Nicepage nutzen

3 Posts
lukas781 posted this 20 September 2023
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ich würde gerne den Warenkorb direkt mit den Produkten auf Nicepage nutzen und anschließend aus dem Warenkorb auf das Payment-PopUp verlinken.
Gibt es dafür eine Anleitung oder funktioniert der Warenkorb bislang nur mit WordPress und VirtueMart?

Hallo, ich würde gerne den Warenkorb direkt mit den Produkten auf Nicepage nutzen und anschließend aus dem Warenkorb auf das Payment-PopUp verlinken. Gibt es dafür eine Anleitung oder funktioniert der Warenkorb bislang nur mit WordPress und VirtueMart? Danke!
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 20 September 2023

Hello Georg,

Thank you for reaching out.

Nicepage primarily provides website design and building tools. The cart and payment processing functionality you're looking for seems to be related to e-commerce, which typically involves more complex backend systems.

Nicepage doesn't directly handle cart and payment processing like a dedicated e-commerce platform would. It's often used to design the front-end (the look and feel) of a website.

To implement a cart and payment system, you'd usually integrate with a dedicated e-commerce platform or use custom coding, which can be complex and may require the help of a developer.

If you're using Nicepage within a WordPress website, you can explore e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce to add cart and payment processing functionality to your site.

If you need more specific guidance or have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Georg, Thank you for reaching out. Nicepage primarily provides website design and building tools. The cart and payment processing functionality you're looking for seems to be related to e-commerce, which typically involves more complex backend systems. Nicepage doesn't directly handle cart and payment processing like a dedicated e-commerce platform would. It's often used to design the front-end (the look and feel) of a website. To implement a cart and payment system, you'd usually integrate with a dedicated e-commerce platform or use custom coding, which can be complex and may require the help of a developer. If you're using Nicepage within a WordPress website, you can explore e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce to add cart and payment processing functionality to your site. If you need more specific guidance or have any other questions, please feel free to ask. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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