Website Redesign - uploading procedure for new website design and article content?

36 Posts
GShelemy posted this 30 August 2023
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I'm using the Nicepage Desktop for website design and I've installed the Template, Articles and Editor into my Joomla CMS.
Now I'm using Nicepage Desktop to redesign my Joomla websites and I'd like to know how to package the new template and articles and upload the new zip file into the Joomla CMS. Do I have to completely uninstall Nicepage and the old content from my Joomla CMS first? Please provide a step-by-step procedure for replacing the old website design and content with the new website design and content.
Guy Shelemy

Hello, I'm using the Nicepage Desktop for website design and I've installed the Template, Articles and Editor into my Joomla CMS. Now I'm using Nicepage Desktop to redesign my Joomla websites and I'd like to know how to package the new template and articles and upload the new zip file into the Joomla CMS. Do I have to completely uninstall Nicepage and the old content from my Joomla CMS first? Please provide a step-by-step procedure for replacing the old website design and content with the new website design and content. Thanks, Guy Shelemy
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 31 August 2023

Hi, Guy,

There is no need to uninstall the Nicepage extension before uploading a template with content to Joomla. Just upload a ZIP file through System ==> Install ==> Extensions, and everything will be installed. If you have the same pages in the Desktop app and Joomla, there will be duplicated pages in your admin panel. You can remove unnecessary copies in your admin panel after installing your content.

Let us know if you need our further help!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Guy, There is no need to uninstall the Nicepage extension before uploading a template with content to Joomla. Just upload a ZIP file through *System ==> Install ==> Extensions*, and everything will be installed. If you have the same pages in the Desktop app and Joomla, there will be duplicated pages in your admin panel. You can remove unnecessary copies in your admin panel after installing your content. Let us know if you need our further help! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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