probleme changement pc

mopsi memory
1 Posts
mopsi memory posted this 11 August 2023
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j'ai changer de pc , j'ai donc reinstaller nicepage sur ce nouveau pc mais je ne peux plus publier sur l'url du site xxxx.nicepage car le nom de domaine est deja attribué (autre pc)
comment proceder ?

bonjour j'ai changer de pc , j'ai donc reinstaller nicepage sur ce nouveau pc mais je ne peux plus publier sur l'url du site xxxx.nicepage car le nom de domaine est deja attribué (autre pc) comment proceder ?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 August 2023

Hi, Mopsi,

Thanks for being our customer!

You can only change the domain name of the original site on the old PC or unpublish the original site and try to enter the same domain name for a new site. Will it be helpful?
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Mopsi, Thanks for being our customer! You can only change the domain name of the original site on the old PC or unpublish the original site and try to enter the same domain name for a new site. Will it be helpful? ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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