importing files.

5 Posts
sharkmanab posted this 11 August 2023
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How can I import website files created Macromedia dreamweaver into NicePage Please?

Hi How can I import website files created **Macromedia dreamweaver** into **NicePage** Please? Thanks
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 August 2023


Thanks for reaching out to us

Unfortunately, you can't import into Nicepage HTML websites. You can import only projects that were created in the Nicepage and exported preciously as project files.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thanks for reaching out to us Unfortunately, you can't import into Nicepage HTML websites. You can import only projects that were created in the Nicepage and exported preciously as project files. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
5 Posts
sharkmanab posted this 11 August 2023

My pages were built in Nicepage but do not have the zip file. Is there anyway to recover them please?

My pages were built in Nicepage but do not have the zip file. Is there anyway to recover them please?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 August 2023

Did you export it as a project file or as an HTML website?

If it's a project file you can import it into Online Builder. Free versions allow you to export/import projects. Nicepage Desktop app requires a premium plan for that.
Nicepage Support Team

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Did you export it as a project file or as an HTML website? If it's a project file you can import it into Online Builder. Free versions allow you to export/import projects. Nicepage Desktop app requires a premium plan for that. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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