phone number to the site menu

4 Posts
komitell2 posted this 30 July 2019
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Hello. To begin with, sorry for any errors in the text, using an online translator. Is there an option in your program to add a button with a phone number to the site menu? So that when viewing from a mobile device, you can dial the number when you press?

Hello. To begin with, sorry for any errors in the text, using an online translator. Is there an option in your program to add a button with a phone number to the site menu? So that when viewing from a mobile device, you can dial the number when you press?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 July 2019


Yes, we have such option. You need to click on the menu. On the right panel click on "Edit Items" > Add Menu Item and in the window that appears "Link settings" write please:
Caption: call us (or write what you want)
URL: tel:+1234567890

Please try to do it and let us know if you need our further help.

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Yes, we have such option. You need to click on the menu. On the right panel click on "Edit Items" > Add Menu Item and in the window that appears "Link settings" write please: Caption: call us (or write what you want) URL: tel:+1234567890 Please try to do it and let us know if you need our further help. ................................................... Sincerely, Susanna I. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 30 July 2019 by Support Team

119 Posts
jack.from.canada posted this 19 August 2019

Is there a way to make the CALL option visible only when displayed on a device capable of making phone calls?

Is there a way to make the CALL option visible only when displayed on a device capable of making phone calls?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 20 August 2019


You can add the Call button as a separate button control and not as the part of the whole menu. Then set the Button control to be hidden on all the views except the phone view.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, You can add the Call button as a separate button control and not as the part of the whole menu. Then set the Button control to be hidden on all the views except the phone view. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
94 Posts
aplicacioneswebs posted this 20 August 2019

That's what Themler is good at. Themler and Nicepage is the perfect conjunction.

That's what Themler is good at. Themler and Nicepage is the perfect conjunction.
24 Posts
justanotherprogrammer posted this 21 August 2019


You can add the Call button as a separate button control and not as the part of the whole menu. Then set the Button control to be hidden on all the views except the phone view.

Thank you, Hella. After I posted my question, I experimented to see if I could place an image into the Header/Menu area, and discovered this was possible. So, I was able to place a phone icon into this area, and it fits my needs perfectly. I should experiment to see if a "button" (rather than a flat icon) is more intuitive for end-users.

> Hi, > > You can add the Call button as a separate button control and not as the part of the whole menu. Then set the Button control to be hidden on all the views except the phone view. > Thank you, Hella. After I posted my question, I experimented to see if I could place an image into the Header/Menu area, and discovered this was possible. So, I was able to place a phone icon into this area, and it fits my needs perfectly. I should experiment to see if a "button" (rather than a flat icon) is more intuitive for end-users.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 August 2019


You are welcome. Nice to hear that you have found a suitable solution for your needs.
Feel free to contact us on any other occasion.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, You are welcome. Nice to hear that you have found a suitable solution for your needs. Feel free to contact us on any other occasion. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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