Pixel Ruler for Graphic Design

36 Posts
GShelemy posted this 31 May 2023

I like the grey bar feature on the left side of the work screen that shows the blocks. Now all that is missing is a pixel ruler. I need everything to be visual while I am working. There should also be a similar horizontal grey bar feature along the top of the work screen as well

I realize the Nicepage team is probably all coders and IT people.
But PLEASE take some advice from the graphic designers that are using your product. Clicking and grasping handles to see pixel distances is time consuming for graphic designers with heavy workloads.

Please add vertical and horizontal pixel rulers to the workspace.


Guy Shelemy

Hello, I like the grey bar feature on the left side of the work screen that shows the blocks. Now all that is missing is a pixel ruler. I need everything to be visual while I am working. There should also be a similar horizontal grey bar feature along the top of the work screen as well I realize the Nicepage team is probably all coders and IT people. But PLEASE take some advice from the graphic designers that are using your product. Clicking and grasping handles to see pixel distances is time consuming for graphic designers with heavy workloads. Please add vertical and horizontal pixel rulers to the workspace. Thanks, Guy Shelemy
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 31 May 2023

Hello Guy,

Thanks for contacting us!

We will add this item to our wish list.
Thanks for using Nicepage.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Guy, Thanks for contacting us! We will add this item to our wish list. Thanks for using Nicepage. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
41 Posts
inthanet posted this 11 June 2023

Have you tried the Chrome Browser 'Line Guides' and 'Display Ruler'. Both you find in the Chrome Developer Tool under Miscellaneous. So far as I remember, there are other browser AddOn available for that purpose.

Have you tried the Chrome Browser 'Line Guides' and 'Display Ruler'. Both you find in the Chrome Developer Tool under `Miscellaneous`. So far as I remember, there are other browser AddOn available for that purpose.
36 Posts
GShelemy posted this 11 June 2023


I'm already using 'third party' pixel rulers for Nicepage. The problem is they are unable to display 'hidden space' such as margins and tabs. I'm advocating that pixel rulers are incorporated into the Nicepage workspace just as rulers are incorporated into CorelDRAW and Adobe workpaces.

Kind Regards,


Hello, I'm already using 'third party' pixel rulers for Nicepage. The problem is they are unable to display 'hidden space' such as margins and tabs. I'm advocating that pixel rulers are incorporated into the Nicepage workspace just as rulers are incorporated into CorelDRAW and Adobe workpaces. Kind Regards, Guy
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