nicepage wont load. says there is no site.

6 Posts
805info posted this 14 May 2023
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My computer crashed and I dont have my files anymore. I redownloaded nicepage and it goes to a blank page and nothing works. How do I get it working before I go use somebody else's program since everything is lost. Rick

My computer crashed and I dont have my files anymore. I redownloaded nicepage and it goes to a blank page and nothing works. How do I get it working before I go use somebody else's program since everything is lost. Rick
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 14 May 2023

Hello Rick,

Thanks for contacting us!

Please try using the Restore From Backup operation in the Top Bar of the Dashboard. It will work only if you have a backup folder on your Nicepage projects folder by ...\Documents\Nicepage

If you don't have such a folder after formatting your disk drive, then you have to redesign the website again. As all websites from the Nicepage Desktop app are stored on your PC in \Documents\Nicepage.

If you have projects in the Online Builder, you can check them here
George B.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Rick, Thanks for contacting us! Please try using the Restore From Backup operation in the Top Bar of the Dashboard. It will work only if you have a backup folder on your Nicepage projects folder by ...\Documents\Nicepage If you don't have such a folder after formatting your disk drive, then you have to redesign the website again. As all websites from the Nicepage Desktop app are stored on your PC in \Documents\Nicepage. If you have projects in the Online Builder, you can check them here ................................................... Sincerely, George B. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 14 May 2023 by Support Team

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