License not working

1 Posts
contact1710 posted this 14 May 2023
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Despite holding a Pro license that does not impose any restrictions on the number of websites, we are encountering a limitation of only being able to host a maximum of five websites on our website builder platform. Would you kindly enlighten us on the underlying issue?

Despite holding a Pro license that does not impose any restrictions on the number of websites, we are encountering a limitation of only being able to host a maximum of five websites on our website builder platform. Would you kindly enlighten us on the underlying issue?
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2701 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 14 May 2023

Your license is working exactly as it should.
Pro license includes 5 web/hosted sites.
Check the grid.
Unlimited unhosted sites, are the sites in the desktop dashboard.

Your license is working exactly as it should. Pro license includes 5 web/hosted sites. Check the grid. Unlimited unhosted sites, are the sites in the desktop dashboard.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 14 May 2023

Hello Davy,

Thanks for contacting us

We can see that you are working in the Online Builder only and all your 5 websites are created there.

Please download the Nicepage Desktop app and create more websites.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Davy, Thanks for contacting us We can see that you are working in the Online Builder only and all your 5 websites are created there. Please download the Nicepage Desktop app and create more websites. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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