Contact form has stopped working

2 Posts
drinicolis posted this 08 May 2023
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I regularly go on to my website( or get others to) to check the contact form is working. I last did this on 1st May, with no issues. However, my ad campaign with google was reporting multiple clicks this week and I was surprised to see there had been no conversions to customer contacts via the form. Having checked this morning, it seems the form is returning this message (Unable to send your message. Please fix errors and try again). I wondered if it was the fact that my webpage was created in an older version of nicepage, but I have since updated, exported again and the error persists. I have checked the recaptcha site key in the html code and it appears in order. Can you help?

I regularly go on to my website( or get others to) to check the contact form is working. I last did this on 1st May, with no issues. However, my ad campaign with google was reporting multiple clicks this week and I was surprised to see there had been no conversions to customer contacts via the form. Having checked this morning, it seems the form is returning this message (Unable to send your message. Please fix errors and try again). I wondered if it was the fact that my webpage was created in an older version of nicepage, but I have since updated, exported again and the error persists. I have checked the recaptcha site key in the html code and it appears in order. Can you help?
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2 Posts
drinicolis posted this 08 May 2023

Okay - so I've got it working again by inspecting my code and discovering that the recaptcha key was now not valid. I have had to change my recaptcha to the v3 instead of v2 simple tickbox. It would have been good to be informed that the existing v2 recaptcha was no longer supported via nicepage!

Okay - so I've got it working again by inspecting my code and discovering that the recaptcha key was now not valid. I have had to change my recaptcha to the v3 instead of v2 simple tickbox. It would have been good to be informed that the existing v2 recaptcha was no longer supported via nicepage!
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 May 2023

Hello Irene,

Thank you for choosing Nicepage!
Glad you have found the solution.
The Nicepage Form control uses Google reCAPTCHA v3 only since the recaptcha integration, please check our documents section here.

Let us know in case you have any other questions.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Irene, Thank you for choosing Nicepage! Glad you have found the solution. The Nicepage Form control uses Google reCAPTCHA v3 only since the recaptcha integration, please check our documents section [here][1]. Let us know in case you have any other questions. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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