Nicepace CMS Plugin: Enable editing of the different integrated templates.

109 Posts
etorres posted this 14 April 2023

Greetings Nicepage.

Allow editing the templates directly from the joomla and wordpress plugin. This would help all users in greatly improving the workflow with Nicepage.

Note: It does not make sense to only apply integrated template editing only from nicepage desktop, since one exports and imports the theme to Joomla or Wordpress and installs it, from then on, almost all users, develop the site with nicepace CMS plugin, leaving obsolete or outdated theme or template on nicepage desktop, should have the same privileges of nicepace desktop and nicepace CMS plugin. We will be grateful for life, if you enable the mentioned option in the nicepage CMS plugin.


Greetings Nicepage. Allow editing the templates directly from the joomla and wordpress plugin. This would help all users in greatly improving the workflow with Nicepage. Note: It does not make sense to only apply integrated template editing only from nicepage desktop, since one exports and imports the theme to Joomla or Wordpress and installs it, from then on, almost all users, develop the site with nicepace CMS plugin, leaving obsolete or outdated theme or template on nicepage desktop, should have the same privileges of nicepace desktop and nicepace CMS plugin. We will be grateful for life, if you enable the mentioned option in the nicepage CMS plugin. Tnaks.

Last edited 14 April 2023 by etorres

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 17 April 2023

Hi Edwin,

Thanks for your suggestion, this option is in our wishlist.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Edwin, Thanks for your suggestion, this option is in our wishlist. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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