Site for my digital resume

1 Posts
s.barbeau59470 posted this 06 April 2023
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On December 3, 2022, I made a site on your nicepage application and I would like to modify this site but I don't know how to do it because I don't have the same computer as the one I used to make the site. My site is accessible on the nicepage site but I can't modify it,

This is very important for me because I have to return the site on Monday, August 10, 2023


Hello, On December 3, 2022, I made a site on your nicepage application and I would like to modify this site but I don't know how to do it because I don't have the same computer as the one I used to make the site. My site is accessible on the nicepage site but I can't modify it, This is very important for me because I have to return the site on Monday, August 10, 2023 Thanks
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2 Replies
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2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 06 April 2023

If it was built using the desktop app, you would need the Project file to import, or the Documents\Nicepage folder files from the other computer.

If it was built using the desktop app, you would need the Project file to import, or the Documents\Nicepage folder files from the other computer.

Last edited 06 April 2023 by MerlinAZ

Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 April 2023


According to our records, you created this website with the Desktop application. All websites are stored locally. Therefore, the project used to generate this website should be located on the computer you previously used in the documents/Nicepage folder. It is possible to access this computer to copy the project folder?

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, According to our records, you created this website with the Desktop application. All websites are stored locally. Therefore, the project used to generate this website should be located on the computer you previously used in the documents/Nicepage folder. It is possible to access this computer to copy the project folder? ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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