custom email on signup

2 Posts
aneeque posted this 03 April 2023
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Does NicePage support "custom email on signup" on a LandingPage designed on NicePage

this question is for the admins/creators of NicePage, I am evaluating the trial version before I purchase a plan. I am pretty satisfied till now, as it fulfills most of my requirements. However, NicePage is failing in one common workflow, I will explain the scenario below:

  • Created a Landing Page for simple Leads collection (no issue in this)
  • Using an Email Field + SignUp/Submit button
  • When a user signs-up on this page I want to send that user (submitted email address) a [custom]welcome email - how to do this?

Please guide me specifically if this can be done, I want to automatically send a welcome email to any person who signs up, just as the success message appears, a custom email should also be sent. Please elaborate if this is possible within NicePage - and if not then is there a workaround within NicePage?

PS: I am well acquainted with the following features of nicepage: Leads page/link, Contact Form Leads, SubmitTo options, Php custom email, and mailchimp association. And currently the email of the signedup user is successfully achieved in Leads, so I hope we don't discuss or explain those options and answer the specific question above.

Hello, Does NicePage support "custom email on signup" on a LandingPage designed on NicePage this question is for the admins/creators of NicePage, I am evaluating the trial version before I purchase a plan. I am pretty satisfied till now, as it fulfills most of my requirements. However, NicePage is failing in one common workflow, I will explain the scenario below: - Created a Landing Page for simple Leads collection (no issue in this) - Using an Email Field + SignUp/Submit button - When a user signs-up on this page I want to send that user (submitted email address) a [custom]welcome email - how to do this? Please guide me specifically if this can be done, I want to automatically send a welcome email to any person who signs up, just as the success message appears, a custom email should also be sent. Please elaborate if this is possible within NicePage - and if not then is there a workaround within NicePage? PS: I am well acquainted with the following features of nicepage: Leads page/link, Contact Form Leads, SubmitTo options, Php custom email, and mailchimp association. And currently the email of the signedup user is successfully achieved in Leads, so I hope we don't discuss or explain those options and answer the specific question above.

Last edited 04 April 2023 by Support Team

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3 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 April 2023

When a user signs-up on this page, I want to send that user (submitted email address) a [custom]welcome email - how to do this?

You will need a script for that. It is not available out of the box.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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> When a user signs-up on this page, I want to send that user (submitted email address) a [custom]welcome email - how to do this? You will need a script for that. It is not available out of the box. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2 Posts
aneeque posted this 03 April 2023

Ok thanks for the clear reply appreciate that.

  1. So, will JS script work?
  2. or only PHP code will work with Nicepage?
  3. Can the (JS or PHP whichever works) be inserted via NicePage desktop interface? Or we will have to do it manually when we export the WebsiteFile
Ok thanks for the clear reply appreciate that. 1. So, will JS script work? 2. or only PHP code will work with Nicepage? 3. Can the (JS or PHP whichever works) be inserted via NicePage desktop interface? Or we will have to do it manually when we export the WebsiteFile
Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 April 2023

You can try both, for JS, you can use the HTML Element.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
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You can try both, for JS, you can use the HTML Element. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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