Add image gallery sort/filter/view options

40 Posts
Vildana posted this 29 March 2023

I would like to be able to sort/filter and change view type at the image gallery. When i add a image, i will get de image gallery and it is sorted one way, it makes it difficult to find the image i need. Especialy when i have a lot of them!

Schermafbeelding-2023-03-29-142517.jpg Image show how it is now.
Schermafbeelding-2023-03-29-142517-aangepast.jpg Image shows how it could be made.

I would like to be able to sort/filter and change view type at the image gallery. When i add a image, i will get de image gallery and it is sorted one way, it makes it difficult to find the image i need. Especialy when i have a lot of them! Schermafbeelding-2023-03-29-142517.jpg Image show how it is now. Schermafbeelding-2023-03-29-142517-aangepast.jpg Image shows how it could be made.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 29 March 2023


We have added your suggestion to our wish list. Thank you for images.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Remco, We have added your suggestion to our wish list. Thank you for images. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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