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komroczki.gyula posted this 19 March 2023
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I noticed an error. At Nicepage, the mobile view is 340 pixels. If someone opens a nicepage page from a Facebook link on a mobile phone, Facebook starts the page in their own browser, which reduces the width due to the frame. Thus, for most devices, it results in the mobile view sliding apart. Texts and images are falling apart. What is the solution for this error? Or will this problem be solved with a later update? With webflow, the mobile view is 320 pixels by default, so it works perfectly on all devices. Maybe this is also a solution for Nicepage.

I noticed an error. At Nicepage, the mobile view is 340 pixels. If someone opens a nicepage page from a Facebook link on a mobile phone, Facebook starts the page in their own browser, which reduces the width due to the frame. Thus, for most devices, it results in the mobile view sliding apart. Texts and images are falling apart. What is the solution for this error? Or will this problem be solved with a later update? With webflow, the mobile view is 320 pixels by default, so it works perfectly on all devices. Maybe this is also a solution for Nicepage.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 20 March 2023

Hello Komroczki

You can change 340px and set it to your wish.

Please see the attachments.

George B.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Komroczki You can change 340px and set it to your wish. Please see the attachments. ................................................... Sincerely, George B. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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