I want to add space between blocks

2 Posts
mustafad2024 posted this 12 March 2023
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Hi, I have created 3 blocks within the nigpage editor, but between the 3rd and the 2nd one, I want to add some padding or space, but I find no option to do it. please help me. there is no advanced tab or something. please help.

Hi, I have created 3 blocks within the nigpage editor, but between the 3rd and the 2nd one, I want to add some padding or space, but I find no option to do it. please help me. there is no advanced tab or something. please help.

Last edited 12 March 2023 by mustafad2024

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2 Replies
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2702 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 12 March 2023

You could add a blank block.
Select the second block, click the Blue + left, Block, Blank choice at the top.

You could add a blank block. Select the second block, click the Blue + left, Block, Blank choice at the top.

Last edited 12 March 2023 by MerlinAZ

2 Posts
mustafad2024 posted this 14 March 2023

alright got it, thank you.

alright got it, thank you.
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