Menu Error

2 Posts
marabeeindia posted this 27 January 2023
Ask a Question

Our menu shows the following error :while open the site.

{"container_class":"u-align-left u-menu u-menu-one-level u-offcanvas u-menu-1","menu_class":"u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-nav u-spacing-2 u-unstyled u-nav-1","item_class":"u-nav-item","link_class":"u-border-2 u-border-active-custom-color-6 u-border-hover-grey-40 u-button-style u-nav-link u-text-active-grey-90 u-text-grey-90 u-text-hover-grey-90","link_style":"padding: 10px 20px;","submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-2","submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link u-white","submenu_link_style":"","r_menu_class":"u-align-center u-custom-font u-nav u-popupmenu-items u-spacing-6 u-text-active-custom-color-6 u-text-hover-custom-color-4 u-text-palette-2-dark-3 u-unstyled u-nav-3","r_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_link_style":"","r_submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-4","r_submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_submenu_link_style":"","theme_location":"primary-navigation-1","menuInfo":{"id":"primary-navigation-1","name":"Primary Navigation"},"is_mega_menu":false,"mega_menu":{}}

Our menu shows the following error :while open the site. {"container_class":"u-align-left u-menu u-menu-one-level u-offcanvas u-menu-1","menu_class":"u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-nav u-spacing-2 u-unstyled u-nav-1","item_class":"u-nav-item","link_class":"u-border-2 u-border-active-custom-color-6 u-border-hover-grey-40 u-button-style u-nav-link u-text-active-grey-90 u-text-grey-90 u-text-hover-grey-90","link_style":"padding: 10px 20px;","submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-2","submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link u-white","submenu_link_style":"","r_menu_class":"u-align-center u-custom-font u-nav u-popupmenu-items u-spacing-6 u-text-active-custom-color-6 u-text-hover-custom-color-4 u-text-palette-2-dark-3 u-unstyled u-nav-3","r_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_link_style":"","r_submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-4","r_submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_submenu_link_style":"","theme_location":"primary-navigation-1","menuInfo":{"id":"primary-navigation-1","name":"Primary Navigation"},"is_mega_menu":false,"mega_menu":{}}
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26 Replies
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4 Posts
ajscott2219 posted this 28 January 2023

Please update the Nicepage plugin to the 5.4.0 version and resave any Nicepage page in the plugin Editor.
This should fix the issue.

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

Will this fix work for whitelabel? As I have paid for whitelabeling...and is there an Windows App update?


The update is not working correctly either

sub menus are not being displayed after leaving the home page

footers are not being updated across all pages....

Have updated to 5.4.0 and still not working! - menus are not being updates, footers are not being updated!

So many bugs what is going on?

> > > > Please update the Nicepage plugin to the **5.4.0** version **and** resave any Nicepage page in the plugin Editor. > > This should fix the issue. > > > > > > > > ................................................... > > Sincerely, > > Susanna I. > > Nicepage Support Team > > > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > > Follow us on Facebook: > > Will this fix work for whitelabel? As I have paid for whitelabeling...and is there an Windows App update? > > Thanks > The update is not working correctly either > > sub menus are not being displayed after leaving the home page > > footers are not being updated across all pages.... Have updated to 5.4.0 and still not working! - menus are not being updates, footers are not being updated! So many bugs what is going on?
15 Posts
jh1478963 posted this 28 January 2023

I just opened the cms and opened the start page, which I then saved again, as I do when I have modified that page.
And everything works for me again.

Hope it works for everyone else too.

I just opened the cms and opened the start page, which I then saved again, as I do when I have modified that page. And everything works for me again. Hope it works for everyone else too.

Last edited 29 January 2023 by jh1478963

Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 January 2023


For the White Label plug-ins you will need to export the new plug-inversion from the desktop application, the update for the desktop application to the 5.4 version would be available soon. Then you need to install the latest plug-in version, open any page for editing, resave it and if this does not help, clear your site cache.
Our developers are working on this problem as it is related to the export servers and after they finish you would not need to update the plug-in, just resave some page on the site within the plugin and clear site cache if needed.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

Hi, For the White Label plug-ins you will need to export the new plug-inversion from the desktop application, the update for the desktop application to the 5.4 version would be available soon. Then you need to install the latest plug-in version, open any page for editing, resave it and if this does not help, clear your site cache. Our developers are working on this problem as it is related to the export servers and after they finish you would not need to update the plug-in, just resave some page on the site within the plugin and clear site cache if needed. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
15 Posts
alex88807 posted this 30 January 2023

Опять ошибка вылезла. Версия 5.0.4 Что делать, Куда смотреть ?

{"container_class":"u-menu u-menu-dropdown u-offcanvas u-menu-1","menu_class":"u-nav u-spacing-30 u-unstyled u-nav-1","item_class":"u-nav-item","link_class":"u-border-2 u-border-active-palette-1-base u-border-hover-palette-1-base u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-border-no-top u-button-style u-nav-link u-text-active-palette-1-base u-text-grey-90 u-text-hover-grey-90","link_style":"padding: 10px 0px;","submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-2","submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link u-white","submenu_link_style":"","r_menu_class":"u-align-center u-nav u-popupmenu-items u-unstyled u-nav-3","r_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_link_style":"","r_submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-4","r_submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_submenu_link_style":"","theme_location":"МЕНЮ","menuInfo":{"id":"МЕНЮ","name":"МЕНЮ"},"is_mega_menu":false,"mega_menu":{}}

Опять ошибка вылезла. Версия 5.0.4 Что делать, Куда смотреть ? {"container_class":"u-menu u-menu-dropdown u-offcanvas u-menu-1","menu_class":"u-nav u-spacing-30 u-unstyled u-nav-1","item_class":"u-nav-item","link_class":"u-border-2 u-border-active-palette-1-base u-border-hover-palette-1-base u-border-no-left u-border-no-right u-border-no-top u-button-style u-nav-link u-text-active-palette-1-base u-text-grey-90 u-text-hover-grey-90","link_style":"padding: 10px 0px;","submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-2","submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link u-white","submenu_link_style":"","r_menu_class":"u-align-center u-nav u-popupmenu-items u-unstyled u-nav-3","r_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_link_style":"","r_submenu_class":"u-h-spacing-20 u-nav u-unstyled u-v-spacing-10 u-nav-4","r_submenu_item_class":"u-nav-item","r_submenu_link_class":"u-button-style u-nav-link","r_submenu_link_style":"","theme_location":"МЕНЮ","menuInfo":{"id":"МЕНЮ","name":"МЕНЮ"},"is_mega_menu":false,"mega_menu":{}}
5 Posts
baysidedigitalcreative posted this 31 January 2023

just redid the text fields

just redid the text fields

Last edited 01 February 2023 by baysidedigitalcreative

Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 February 2023


Sorry for the inconvenience.

Our developers have fixed the issue.
1. If the plugin version is lower or higher than 5.4.0, it is enough to resave the Nicepage Page in plugin Editor.
2. If version 5.4.0, please update the Nicepage plugin to version 5.4.4 or downgrade it
If the problem persists, please resave the page.

The same should be done for white label plugins that are updated by exporting from the Desktop application only.

If you still have any difficulties, please created private cases and provide temporary access to the WP admin panel.
We will do our best to help you solve this problem.

Susanna I.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience. Our developers have fixed the issue. 1. If the plugin version is lower or higher than 5.4.0, it is enough to resave the Nicepage Page in plugin Editor. 2. If version 5.4.0, please update the Nicepage plugin to version **5.4.4** or downgrade it If the problem persists, please resave the page. The same should be done for white label plugins that are updated by exporting from the Desktop application only. If you still have any difficulties, please created private cases and provide temporary access to the WP admin panel. We will do our best to help you solve this problem. ................................................... Sincerely, Susanna I. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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