
30 Posts
web5162 posted this 18 January 2023
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Hola, ustedes antes tenian dentro de la plantillas los breadcrumb , ya no los encuentro, ¿Cómo puedo instalarlo?

Estoy haciendo mi sitio desde el nocepage en el computador y luego lo exporto a wordpress


Hola, ustedes antes tenian dentro de la plantillas los breadcrumb , ya no los encuentro, ¿Cómo puedo instalarlo? Estoy haciendo mi sitio desde el nocepage en el computador y luego lo exporto a wordpress gracias
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 January 2023


You can have breadcrumbs only on Templates like the Blog and Post Templates. On Pages, you can build Breadcrumbs by adding links to the Text Element.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Maria, You can have breadcrumbs only on Templates like the Blog and Post Templates. On Pages, you can build Breadcrumbs by adding links to the Text Element. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
109 Posts
etorres posted this 20 January 2023


You can have breadcrumbs only on Templates like the Blog and Post Templates. On Pages, you can build Breadcrumbs by adding links to the Text Element.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

Cordial greetings Alan, excuse the observation that I will make, this topic has been announced many times in the forum, users and among those I include myself, have requested that the application of Nicepage, should have the option to apply on any web page, either in the templates as blog and publications, and must in mandatory mode to have the option to insert the breadcrumbs on any web page that adds the user, it is by logic, since the path must be visible to all pages, as the Joomla and Wordpress platform, categorized folders, the paths of the categories, must be visible by law, in all templates or pages in general. Again, we reiterate requesting to enable this option on all pages. Since in the great majority of institutional or governmental entities, it is required by law to the institutional design of the web pages. Thank you.

> Maria, > > You can have breadcrumbs only on Templates like the Blog and Post Templates. On Pages, you can build Breadcrumbs by adding links to the Text Element. > > ................................................... > Sincerely, > Alan R. > Nicepage Support Team > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > Follow us on Facebook: Cordial greetings Alan, excuse the observation that I will make, this topic has been announced many times in the forum, users and among those I include myself, have requested that the application of Nicepage, should have the option to apply on any web page, either in the templates as blog and publications, and must in mandatory mode to have the option to insert the breadcrumbs on any web page that adds the user, it is by logic, since the path must be visible to all pages, as the Joomla and Wordpress platform, categorized folders, the paths of the categories, must be visible by law, in all templates or pages in general. Again, we reiterate requesting to enable this option on all pages. Since in the great majority of institutional or governmental entities, it is required by law to the institutional design of the web pages. Thank you.

Last edited 20 January 2023 by etorres

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