Please contact us regarding affiliate sales.

30 Posts
jk.ahn1967 posted this 17 January 2023
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Please contact us regarding affiliate sales.
It's been a while since I've received an affiliate selling code, but I'm sorry it's not performing well. I'm trying to get my strength back and try affiliate selling, but I want to make sure my existing code is valid. Create an account on ShareSale and receive a code by email. But I can't find it in the seller list of Share Sale. I want to check if my affiliate code is valid. thank you.

Please contact us regarding affiliate sales. It's been a while since I've received an affiliate selling code, but I'm sorry it's not performing well. I'm trying to get my strength back and try affiliate selling, but I want to make sure my existing code is valid. Create an account on ShareSale and receive a code by email. But I can't find it in the seller list of Share Sale. I want to check if my affiliate code is valid. thank you.
Vote to pay developers attention to this features or issue.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 18 January 2023

Hello Jongkoog,

Thanks for contacting us

Please contact our partner, ShareaSale, regarding your affiliate sales and code. Unfortunately, we do not have control over it.

Go to your profile - and press get links. Also, you can get the affiliate code with a banner or generate your own link.

Affiliate Account Support
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Jongkoog, Thanks for contacting us Please contact our partner, ShareaSale, regarding your affiliate sales and code. Unfortunately, we do not have control over it. Go to your profile - and press get links. Also, you can get the affiliate code with a banner or generate your own link. ***[Affiliate Account Support][1]*** ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]:
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