Make A Magazine
30 Posts posted this 12 January 2023
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How can you make a HTML magazine please I saw another article but nobody gave a video guide or anything like a proper explanation for it.I can make sites but how does a HTML folder make a HTML file which magazine's would be singular files not folders packed with files would they not? And divided into separate pages or am i overthinking things here is it you cut out everything from an extracted folder leaving just HTML files with each page on them then somehow merge/join them?

How can you make a HTML magazine please I saw another article but nobody gave a video guide or anything like a proper explanation for it.I can make sites but how does a HTML folder make a HTML file which magazine's would be singular files not folders packed with files would they not? And divided into separate pages or am i overthinking things here is it you cut out everything from an extracted folder leaving just HTML files with each page on them then somehow merge/join them?

Last edited 12 January 2023 by

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 January 2023


Do you mean an HTML Blog with the Magazine layout? Can you maybe send us an example of what you are trying to achieve?

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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CHRIS, Do you mean an HTML Blog with the Magazine layout? Can you maybe send us an example of what you are trying to achieve? ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
30 Posts posted this 12 January 2023

I want to start making a digital distributable magazine or magazine I can pin in an existing site and add more of them to a webpage on my site for people to read they don't need to be websites a HTML book basically, I've never made a magazine before so i don't know what it is I need but something like this site provides is what I want to use Nicepage for minus the animated page flipping


Do you mean an HTML Blog with the Magazine layout? Can you maybe send us an example of what you are trying to achieve?

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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I want to start making a digital distributable magazine or magazine I can pin in an existing site and add more of them to a webpage on my site for people to read they don't need to be websites a HTML book basically, I've never made a magazine before so i don't know what it is I need but something like this site provides is what I want to use Nicepage for minus the animated page flipping > CHRIS, > > Do you mean an HTML Blog with the Magazine layout? Can you maybe send us an example of what you are trying to achieve? > > ................................................... > Sincerely, > Alan R. > Nicepage Support Team > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 12 January 2023 by

Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 January 2023


You need to use some external code to add the magazine viewer on your site. This can be done with some HTML code that you can place on your page.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi CHRIS, You need to use some external code to add the magazine viewer on your site. This can be done with some HTML code that you can place on your page. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
30 Posts posted this 12 January 2023


You need to use some external code to add the magazine viewer on your site. This can be done with some HTML code that you can place on your page.

Nicepage Support Team

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I mean how do I create the magazine it's self from scratch with Nicepage as the builder for the creation process? Making a video tutorial would be easier than comment tennis in here lol, It's beneficial for both the company and the end user to have a layman's video guide to follow as chat boxes without any images or guidance aren't going to get either of us anywhere fast. You'll sell more product if the product can make magazines as well which is apparently possible but there's no way to do it if nobody wants to tell us with a guide.

> Hi CHRIS, > > You need to use some external code to add the magazine viewer on your site. This can be done with some HTML code that you can place on your page. > > ................................................... > Sincerely, > Hella > Nicepage Support Team > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > Follow us on Facebook: I mean how do I create the magazine it's self from scratch with Nicepage as the builder for the creation process? Making a video tutorial would be easier than comment tennis in here lol, It's beneficial for both the company and the end user to have a layman's video guide to follow as chat boxes without any images or guidance aren't going to get either of us anywhere fast. You'll sell more product if the product can make magazines as well which is apparently possible but there's no way to do it if nobody wants to tell us with a guide.

Last edited 12 January 2023 by

Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 January 2023


There is no way to create such a magazine structure in Nicepage.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi CHRIS, There is no way to create such a magazine structure in Nicepage. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
30 Posts posted this 09 February 2023


There is no way to create such a magazine structure in Nicepage.

Nicepage Support Team

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It's something you should add well all you have to do is add a feature to allow rotating images incrementally with a swivel and allow pdf export that's all you need to do as we can basically create the page then with images anywhere on a page and the text under or beside them even add in video content into these magazines as well then so simple to do take you a day not even that a couple of hours to build it in a swivel for images when inserting it then we can build and host magazines within our sites or sell them to.

> Hi CHRIS, > > There is no way to create such a magazine structure in Nicepage. > > ................................................... > Sincerely, > Hella > Nicepage Support Team > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > Follow us on Facebook: It's something you should add well all you have to do is add a feature to allow rotating images incrementally with a swivel and allow pdf export that's all you need to do as we can basically create the page then with images anywhere on a page and the text under or beside them even add in video content into these magazines as well then so simple to do take you a day not even that a couple of hours to build it in a swivel for images when inserting it then we can build and host magazines within our sites or sell them to.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 February 2023


It is not so easy as you think when you talk about integrating a new functionality in a complex application. Your suggestion is in our wishlist, for now we do not have other requests for the magazine option.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, It is not so easy as you think when you talk about integrating a new functionality in a complex application. Your suggestion is in our wishlist, for now we do not have other requests for the magazine option. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
30 Posts posted this 10 February 2023


It is not so easy as you think when you talk about integrating a new functionality in a complex application. Your suggestion is in our wishlist, for now we do not have other requests for the magazine option.

Nicepage Support Team

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Got another idea for a feature roll a dice page and grid opening let a random page picker decide what page and or content items you want to be opened you could even program it for every click with a bunch of pages in a set order opening each click one after another.

> Hi, > > It is not so easy as you think when you talk about integrating a new functionality in a complex application. Your suggestion is in our wishlist, for now we do not have other requests for the magazine option. > > ................................................... > Sincerely, > Hella > Nicepage Support Team > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > Follow us on Facebook: Got another idea for a feature roll a dice page and grid opening let a random page picker decide what page and or content items you want to be opened you could even program it for every click with a bunch of pages in a set order opening each click one after another.
30 Posts posted this 10 February 2023


It is not so easy as you think when you talk about integrating a new functionality in a complex application. Your suggestion is in our wishlist, for now we do not have other requests for the magazine option.

Nicepage Support Team

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Your also not thinking abigger picture it doesn't just need to make sites and or magazines you could make standard books and interactive media based books and more it opens the software up to an even bigger market a way way bigger one.

> Hi, > > It is not so easy as you think when you talk about integrating a new functionality in a complex application. Your suggestion is in our wishlist, for now we do not have other requests for the magazine option. > > ................................................... > Sincerely, > Hella > Nicepage Support Team > > Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: > Follow us on Facebook: Your also not thinking abigger picture it doesn't just need to make sites and or magazines you could make standard books and interactive media based books and more it opens the software up to an even bigger market a way way bigger one.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 February 2023


Yes, we get your idea, thanks for the suggestions.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi CHRIS, Yes, we get your idea, thanks for the suggestions. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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