Feature Requests

Steve Haase
4 Posts
Steve Haase posted this 10 January 2023

I use the HTML version of the pages created in NP. I download the files to my web server. It would be great if there were a way to enter tracking code and other JS codes through a friendly interface rather than having to perform it manually in the HTML after downloading the pages. Without it, it makes updating pages a big pain in the butt.

Also, it would be great to be able to download only the pages you updated, without having to download the entire website each time you make updates.

I use the HTML version of the pages created in NP. I download the files to my web server. It would be great if there were a way to enter tracking code and other JS codes through a friendly interface rather than having to perform it manually in the HTML after downloading the pages. Without it, it makes updating pages a big pain in the butt. Also, it would be great to be able to download only the pages you updated, without having to download the entire website each time you make updates.
Vote to pay developers attention to this features or issue.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 January 2023


We have added your request to our wish list.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Steve, We have added your request to our wish list. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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