import my theme to wordpress

17 Posts
contact605 posted this 05 January 2023
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My theme installs on wordpress but no page loads.
My theme is 105 Mb.
Can you help me?

Hello My theme installs on wordpress but no page loads. My theme is 105 Mb. Can you help me?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 January 2023

Hello Iman,

Please check your server limits to upload such files.
General server requirements:
max_execution_time to 120
max_input_time to 60
Optional to increase the limits:
memory_limit - 250MB and more
Upload max file size - 250 MB and more
PHP post max size - 250MB and more

Let us know your result after the changes.
Anna T
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Iman, Please check your server limits to upload such files. General server requirements: max_execution_time to 120 max_input_time to 60 Optional to increase the limits: memory_limit - 250MB and more Upload max file size - 250 MB and more PHP post max size - 250MB and more Let us know your result after the changes. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna T Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
17 Posts
contact605 posted this 22 January 2023


We found no way to import our theme, we have increase server capacity with our host. We Increased the upload file limit up to 2024mb. Curiously it works perfectly fine on another host. Here are screenshot, after over 90 minutes it's still running. Why not just display a error message it's not possible to import ? We've waist hours and hours waiting if it could work....

Hi, We found no way to import our theme, we have increase server capacity with our host. We Increased the upload file limit up to 2024mb. Curiously it works perfectly fine on another host. Here are screenshot, after over 90 minutes it's still running. Why not just display a error message it's not possible to import ? We've waist hours and hours waiting if it could work....
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 January 2023

Hi Iman,

Looks like there is some other hosting limitation, please ask them to check the logs what exactly is blocking Nicepage upload.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Iman, Looks like there is some other hosting limitation, please ask them to check the logs what exactly is blocking Nicepage upload. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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