Text Entry & Editing

23 Posts
rsklein33 posted this 02 January 2023
  1. I can not use richtext in a table, I need to be able to enter a button or image into a table cell. Highlighting a portion of a text line and selecting hyperlink from the option list highlights all the text instead of the selected portion. Nothing about editing text in a table is acceptable.

  2. Selecting (highlighting) the first character of text entered into a text box is time consuming. I must move the cursor around until it magically works. Sometimes I am not successful. Very irritating!

  3. I added a Box and then inserted a richtext element to contain my text and an icon that I want to add a link to. The issue I have with this is that I must jump back and forth with the mouse from the Box then to the richtext element to be able to highlight text I want to add a link to or a color attribute to. If I want to add a link to text already entered into the richtext box, the link does not work the first time I enter it. I am required to re-do the link entry for the link to work and the color and bold tags to take effect for the link.

These issues are very irritating and time consuming to the developer. I strongly recomend that you give these issues your immediate attention.

1. I can not use richtext in a table, I need to be able to enter a button or image into a table cell. Highlighting a portion of a text line and selecting hyperlink from the option list highlights all the text instead of the selected portion. Nothing about editing text in a table is acceptable. 2. Selecting (highlighting) the first character of text entered into a text box is time consuming. I must move the cursor around until it magically works. Sometimes I am not successful. Very irritating! 3. I added a Box and then inserted a richtext element to contain my text and an icon that I want to add a link to. The issue I have with this is that I must jump back and forth with the mouse from the Box then to the richtext element to be able to highlight text I want to add a link to or a color attribute to. If I want to add a link to text already entered into the richtext box, the link does not work the first time I enter it. I am required to re-do the link entry for the link to work and the color and bold tags to take effect for the link. These issues are very irritating and time consuming to the developer. I strongly recomend that you give these issues your immediate attention.

Last edited 09 January 2023 by Support Team

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 January 2023


Thank you for the feedback. We have added your suggestions to our wish list and forwarded to the dev.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Richard, Thank you for the feedback. We have added your suggestions to our wish list and forwarded to the dev. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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