Nicepage and other WP plugins

39 Posts
Light posted this 16 December 2022
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Hi Nicepage, greetings.

I'm still very new to WP.. Haven't really used it before so trying to ensure I don't make any huge mistakes.

So I've shared earlier that I'm working on a site. When done, I'll transfer it (by changing the email) to the client. I'd like to know if this also affects login info for wordpress or that is independent snd would work with a different nicepage login.

Secondly, I want to know if Nicepage handles security for sites crested with it? Or would I need to get other safety plugins on wordpress for example to secure the site?

And that leads to my next question.. Is it possible to use Nicepage with other WP plugins on wordpress?
What are the limits and info I need.

Thank you

Hi Nicepage, greetings. I'm still very new to WP.. Haven't really used it before so trying to ensure I don't make any huge mistakes. So I've shared earlier that I'm working on a site. When done, I'll transfer it (by changing the email) to the client. I'd like to know if this also affects login info for wordpress or that is independent snd would work with a different nicepage login. Secondly, I want to know if Nicepage handles security for sites crested with it? Or would I need to get other safety plugins on wordpress for example to secure the site? And that leads to my next question.. Is it possible to use Nicepage with other WP plugins on wordpress? What are the limits and info I need. Thank you
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 December 2022


Sorry for the delay.

1) The WordPress account is not affected by Nicepage as Nicepage and WordPress are separate products. When you log in to your WP dashboard and open the Nicepage plugin, Nicepage uses the active account on your browser from our site.

2) If you mean the SSL certificate, you should get it on your own if you publish a site on your hosting. Usually, hosting services provide this certificate. When you publish a site on Nicepage Hosting, the site becomes secure automatically (note that Nicepage Hosting does not support WordPress).

3) Yes, you can easily use third-party WP plugins with Nicepage. However, please note that some of them may not be compatible with Nicepage. If you face this issue, please let us know about that.

Feel free to contact us if you need our further help!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Sorry for the delay. 1) The WordPress account is not affected by Nicepage as Nicepage and WordPress are separate products. When you log in to your WP dashboard and open the Nicepage plugin, Nicepage uses the active account on your browser from our site. 2) If you mean the SSL certificate, you should get it on your own if you publish a site on your hosting. Usually, hosting services provide this certificate. When you publish a site on Nicepage Hosting, the site becomes secure automatically (note that Nicepage Hosting does not support WordPress). 3) Yes, you can easily use third-party WP plugins with Nicepage. However, please note that some of them may not be compatible with Nicepage. If you face this issue, please let us know about that. Feel free to contact us if you need our further help! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
39 Posts
Light posted this 19 December 2022

(note that Nicepage Hosting does not support WordPress).

Ok.. I didn't know this.. So I'll need to purchase my own hosting plan yeah? Cause I was actually having that confusion on how to get started with Wordpress.

So I would need to purchase a different hosting plan yeah? And use that to get into wordpress.
Is this correct?

(note that Nicepage Hosting does not support WordPress). Ok.. I didn't know this.. So I'll need to purchase my own hosting plan yeah? Cause I was actually having that confusion on how to get started with Wordpress. So I would need to purchase a different hosting plan yeah? And use that to get into wordpress. Is this correct?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 December 2022


Yes, you need to use a third-party hosting provider for using WordPress.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Yes, you need to use a third-party hosting provider for using WordPress. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
39 Posts
Light posted this 19 December 2022

Alright.. Thank you.
I dropped another question in a separate topic.
I think you've answered one of the questions I asked.. But there's another that I'll need an answer for.

Thank you

Alright.. Thank you. I dropped another question in a separate topic. I think you've answered one of the questions I asked.. But there's another that I'll need an answer for. Thank you
39 Posts
Light posted this 19 December 2022

Or can I just ask the question here?

Or can I just ask the question here?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 19 December 2022


We ask our users to create a separate topic for different questions so they could be answered separately, so as you already created a new topic we could close this one.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, We ask our users to create a separate topic for different questions so they could be answered separately, so as you already created a new topic we could close this one. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
39 Posts
Light posted this 19 December 2022

Alright.. Thank you

Alright.. Thank you
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