mobile version site

1 Posts
kiri.msg posted this 11 November 2022
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Hello, the display of the site's pages in the mobile version does not work correctly, in nicepage everything is set smoothly and neatly, and in the html site the mobile version is shifted to the right, advise me how to fix it, have a nice day

Hello, the display of the site's pages in the mobile version does not work correctly, in nicepage everything is set smoothly and neatly, and in the html site the mobile version is shifted to the right, advise me how to fix it, have a nice day
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7 Replies
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2768 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 11 November 2022

On the mobile site in the builder, in the left column under the "outline", check to see if there are any items off the page that might need to be adjusted.

On the mobile site in the builder, in the left column under the "outline", check to see if there are any items off the page that might need to be adjusted.
3 Posts
sedovaalya posted this 3 weeks ago

my friends phone ( is bad looking )
on my phone is okay
How i can fix this ?

my friends phone ( is bad looking ) on my phone is okay How i can fix this ?
65 Posts
MEHDI48 posted this 3 weeks ago

Check if the browser zoom is at 100%
See Video Attached.

Hi. Check if the browser zoom is at 100% See Video Attached.
3 Posts
sedovaalya posted this 3 weeks ago

i checked
and still when i send website to my friends
for half of them its not mobile friendly

i checked and still when i send website to my friends for half of them its not mobile friendly help
2768 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 3 weeks ago

What phone are they using and what’s their screen resolution?

What phone are they using and what’s their screen resolution?
3 Posts
sedovaalya posted this 3 weeks ago

and when i open my website on PC its open me Contact Us page
but it should open me first welcome page
how can i change it ?

and when i open my website on PC its open me Contact Us page but it should open me first welcome page how can i change it ?
65 Posts
MEHDI48 posted this 3 weeks ago

Your Contact Us page is set as your home page.
- Set your Welcome Page as your home page.
- Or in the Menu.



See Attached

Your Contact Us page is set as your home page. - Set your Welcome Page as your home page. - Or in the Menu. !Set-Home-Page.png! !Set-Home-Page1.png! See Attached
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