2 Posts
luisjaviervc posted this 10 November 2022
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Hi I hope you can explain me why is this happen
Im enroll on the free plan, right now I have 3 pages, but when I publish in website option, appear me the same url, so If I publish one is the same URL when I try to publish a second one so I don´t know if that happen because is free plan, or I really don´t know, I want to have different URL for my landing pages.

Reading the forum I saw that supposedly the system generate "mysubdomain + / Nameofpage" and I can have 5 pages but every time only appear this mysubdomain + for all my pages, so the system only allow me to have one running.

Maybe I publish in a wrong way or I don´t know.. The process is, inside my page, between settings icon and preview, I choose Publish and Export and then website option and publish. Attach the image and when the export is complete only appear me the domain that I explain before, in all my pages I did the same process and always is the same result.. same url

Hi I hope you can explain me why is this happen Im enroll on the free plan, right now I have 3 pages, but when I publish in website option, appear me the same url, so If I publish one is the same URL when I try to publish a second one so I don´t know if that happen because is free plan, or I really don´t know, I want to have different URL for my landing pages. Reading the forum I saw that supposedly the system generate "mysubdomain + / Nameofpage" and I can have 5 pages but every time only appear this mysubdomain + for all my pages, so the system only allow me to have one running. Maybe I publish in a wrong way or I don´t know.. The process is, inside my page, between settings icon and preview, I choose Publish and Export and then website option and publish. Attach the image and when the export is complete only appear me the domain that I explain before, in all my pages I did the same process and always is the same result.. same url
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3 Replies
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2 Posts
luisjaviervc posted this 10 November 2022
I create a new account because the account that I use appear like possible spam and didnt allow me tu upload my request, attach the evidence about the problem
!Captura-de-Pantalla-2022-11-10-a-la-s--10.58.40.png!I create a new account because the account that I use appear like possible spam and didnt allow me tu upload my request, attach the evidence about the problem!Captura-de-Pantalla-2022-11-10-a-la-s--10.56.25.png!
2722 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 10 November 2022

The free Starter plan allows 1 site with up to 5 pages.

The free Starter plan allows 1 site with up to 5 pages.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 11 November 2022


Please create several different pages inside one project (use the Add Page option) and then publish the site again. To reach other pages you need to have some links in the menu or buttons to lead to other pages of your site.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Please create several different pages inside one project (use the Add Page option) and then publish the site again. To reach other pages you need to have some links in the menu or buttons to lead to other pages of your site. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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