posted this
20 October 2022
After updating the site (4.19.3) and uploading the html I started getting a lot of spam like And it goes to the email I have registered as a contact in your administration.
Yes. I have lots of spam emails because I don't reCAPTCHA as some of my domains are test domains (to show my clients work). I think Nicepage needs to improve their contact forms without reCAPTCHA option. It is the robots/bots that are causing these issues.
A simple suggestion is having a number auto random math problem like what is 10 + 5 or people with sigh problems they can display auto random picture of animals and auto random questions like which picture is a cat or dog or parrot etc.
Yes, reCAPTCHA is a solutions but a bit more security from robots/bots would be nice.
> After updating the site (4.19.3) and uploading the html I started getting a lot of spam like And it goes to the email I have registered as a contact in your administration.
Yes. I have lots of spam emails because I don't reCAPTCHA as some of my domains are test domains (to show my clients work). I think Nicepage needs to improve their contact forms without reCAPTCHA option. It is the robots/bots that are causing these issues.
A simple suggestion is having a number auto random math problem like what is 10 + 5 or people with sigh problems they can display auto random picture of animals and auto random questions like which picture is a cat or dog or parrot etc.
Yes, reCAPTCHA is a solutions but a bit more security from robots/bots would be nice.
Last edited 20 October 2022 by MrBuilder