how can i transfer server from nicepage?

1 Posts
vitaljka13 posted this 15 October 2022
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Hello, i created website in nicepage, but now has some problems with transfering/migrating it to hostinger and domain(its show error 404, or not secure, already tried changing of ip adress adding dns like its written).
When i try to export files its going to be saved in zip format, after it i going to transfering(migrating) it to hostinger but nothing happens its showing just template site without my theme, content and anything. Maybe some one can help me, how to do it correctly, how can transfer this website now. I have an

Hello, i created website in nicepage, but now has some problems with transfering/migrating it to hostinger and domain(its show error 404, or not secure, already tried changing of ip adress adding dns like its written). When i try to export files its going to be saved in zip format, after it i going to transfering(migrating) it to hostinger but nothing happens its showing just template site without my theme, content and anything. Maybe some one can help me, how to do it correctly, how can transfer this website now. I have an
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363 Posts
Ch3vr0n posted this 15 October 2022

404 is page not found, has nothing to do with a website being secure or not (ssl?)

404 is page not found, has nothing to do with a website being secure or not (ssl?)
Support Team
Support Team posted this 17 October 2022


Thanks for contacting us

Export the website into HTML and upload it to your hosting.

If you want to host your website on Nicepage, just assign a custom domain name in the settings and press Publish.

If you have other difficulties, please attach some screenshots for further clarification
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thanks for contacting us Export the website into HTML and upload it to your hosting. If you want to host your website on Nicepage, just assign a custom domain name in the settings and press Publish. If you have other difficulties, please attach some screenshots for further clarification ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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