Iframe not working

3 Posts
maxbass2k11 posted this 09 October 2022
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I created a new block and selected elements and put HTML to create and iframe.

When I put the code for the iframe and click preview, nothing appears, only the sample text remains, it is not retrieving the url I have put in the iframe, and I can't even delete the sample text nicepage has there.

How do I fix this issue?

Hello, I created a new block and selected elements and put HTML to create and iframe. When I put the code for the iframe and click preview, nothing appears, only the sample text remains, it is not retrieving the url I have put in the iframe, and I can't even delete the sample text nicepage has there. How do I fix this issue?
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5 Replies
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2722 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 09 October 2022

Are you putting the code into the Code box in the right panel?

Are you putting the code into the Code box in the right panel?
3 Posts
maxbass2k11 posted this 09 October 2022

Yes. I put the code in the "code box". I click preview and there is no change. The same sample text is there and it does not pull the webpage i put there into the frame.

Yes. I put the code in the "code box". I click preview and there is no change. The same sample text is there and it does not pull the webpage i put there into the frame.
2722 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 09 October 2022

Are you saving your work and publishing before previewing?
If so you’ll need to see what support says.

Are you saving your work and publishing before previewing? If so you’ll need to see what support says.

Last edited 09 October 2022 by MerlinAZ

3 Posts
maxbass2k11 posted this 09 October 2022

I see that nicepage automatically is saving.

Even if i just change the sample text that says "Sample HTML" to "Hello World"... the changes wont reflect, it just stays to the given sample text in the block. To the right where the code is I can see the iframe tags and url is there and when I click onto another block and go click back to the html block the iframe script is still there in the code box but the sample text is still there in the block.

I see that nicepage automatically is saving. Even if i just change the sample text that says "Sample HTML" to "Hello World"... the changes wont reflect, it just stays to the given sample text in the block. To the right where the code is I can see the iframe tags and url is there and when I click onto another block and go click back to the html block the iframe script is still there in the code box but the sample text is still there in the block.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 October 2022


Can you please attach the code in the .txt file in this ticket? Or exported page or block with that code? So we can see the issue?

Thank you
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Can you please attach the code in the .txt file in this ticket? Or exported page or block with that code? So we can see the issue? Thank you ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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