Nicepage Hosting questions - using Wordpress

9 Posts
bjmbjm posted this 07 October 2022
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Basic questions:
1) In order to use Wordpress do I need to find my own Hosting or could that be done with Nicepage online hosting?
2) If using Nicepage online hosting would I be able to sell three items with a link to paypal on a basic account?

Thank you. Please keep in mind I am not a professional web developer and volunteer for our local historical society. I need to have things spelled out for me.

Basic questions: 1) In order to use Wordpress do I need to find my own Hosting or could that be done with Nicepage online hosting? 2) If using Nicepage online hosting would I be able to sell three items with a link to paypal on a basic account? Thank you. Please keep in mind I am not a professional web developer and volunteer for our local historical society. I need to have things spelled out for me.
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MerlinAZ posted this 07 October 2022

NP hosting is html only.
You would be able to add Paypal buttons using their embed code/links.
If you are using WP, you will need a third party host.

NP hosting is html only. You would be able to add Paypal buttons using their embed code/links. If you are using WP, you will need a third party host.

Last edited 07 October 2022 by MerlinAZ

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