How long will Nicepage exist?

374 Posts
xvemanuelvx posted this 27 September 2022
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I have already recommended Nicepage to some colleagues. But many do not dare to switch to Nicepage. They are afraid that one day Nicepage will no longer be developed. Just like it was with Themler and Artisteer.

Can you say something about this? Please never give up on this great software.

I have already recommended Nicepage to some colleagues. But many do not dare to switch to Nicepage. They are afraid that one day Nicepage will no longer be developed. Just like it was with Themler and Artisteer. Can you say something about this? Please never give up on this great software.
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Support Team posted this 27 September 2022


We are faithful and dedicated to Nicepage. We do not have any plans or reasons to abandon it.
Thank you for your trust and support!

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Emanuel, We are faithful and dedicated to Nicepage. We do not have any plans or reasons to abandon it. Thank you for your trust and support! ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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