Disallowing the feature of screenshot on website..

2 Posts
informativeanand096 posted this 19 September 2022
Report a bug

I don't like that people can take screenshot of our website and they don't have risk of copyright . I want to disable this feature..
Help me..
Eagerly waiting for your faculties' reply

I don't like that people can take screenshot of our website and they don't have risk of copyright . I want to disable this feature.. Help me.. Eagerly waiting for your faculties' reply
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3 Replies
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2768 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 19 September 2022

Can’t be done. If it’s online, it can be taken by screenshot.
It is possible to disable right click using additional code.

Can’t be done. If it’s online, it can be taken by screenshot. It is possible to disable right click using additional code.
2 Posts
informativeanand096 posted this 19 September 2022

What's the procedure of 'additional code', do elaborate clearly..

What's the procedure of 'additional code', do elaborate clearly..
2768 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 19 September 2022


You know there’s a search function for the forum.

https://nicepage.com/questions/304107/how-can-i-prevent-content-from-being-copied-from-my-website You know there’s a search function for the forum.
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