Block content to scroll but background image must not scroll

46 Posts
jes777 posted this 01 September 2022
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Can you please scroll down on the homepage of the website there where it says "Being abandoned should never be okay" You will notice that the text scrolls and the background does not scroll.

Is it possible to do achieve something like this in Nicepage.

I attach my project.

Many thanks in advance

Can you please scroll down on the homepage of the website there where it says "Being abandoned should never be okay" You will notice that the text scrolls and the background does not scroll. Is it possible to do achieve something like this in Nicepage. I attach my project. Many thanks in advance
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 September 2022

Hi Julie,

Yes, please enable the Parallax option for the background image of your block.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Julie, Yes, please enable the Parallax option for the background image of your block. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
46 Posts
jes777 posted this 04 September 2022

Thanks. It works. It's super cool!

I really appreciate your help

Thanks. It works. It's super cool! I really appreciate your help
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