Why can I not access Google Fonts with my subscription?

3 Posts
cheriejordan posted this 30 August 2022
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Hello Nicepages,
I purchased a Personal Subscription assuming that I could access all of the Google Fonts?
It did not note that I could NOT access them when I read through the features with my subscription.
I can't afford another $120+ AUD to upgrade to allow me access to them (Google Fonts), OR to even access my own 'paid for by me' fonts to upload.

Can you advise why this is not clearer in the Subscription?
OR if I am meant to access them, but can't?

I did read in a forum that someone had made a similar subscription purchase and had the same issues that I am having.

Thank you in advance.
from a 'poorly paid Graphic Designer' . . . :-)

Hello Nicepages, I purchased a Personal Subscription assuming that I could access all of the Google Fonts? It did not note that I could NOT access them when I read through the features with my subscription. I can't afford another $120+ AUD to upgrade to allow me access to them (Google Fonts), OR to even access my own 'paid for by me' fonts to upload. Can you advise why this is not clearer in the Subscription? OR if I am meant to access them, but can't? I did read in a forum that someone had made a similar subscription purchase and had the same issues that I am having. Thank you in advance. from a 'poorly paid Graphic Designer' . . . :-)
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5 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 August 2022

Hello Cherie,
Thanks for contacting us

Have a look at the Personal Plan, that includes
-Theme colors
-20 Popular Google Fonts
-Font sizes limited, no custom size
-Fixed page content width
-No files uploads in contact forms
-No multi-language translations
-No customization for the large devices


Let us know if you require our further assistance.

Thank you.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hello Cherie, Thanks for contacting us Have a look at the ***Personal Plan***, that includes -Theme colors -20 Popular Google Fonts -Font sizes limited, no custom size -Fixed page content width -No files uploads in contact forms -No multi-language translations -No customization for the large devices !business-plan.png! Let us know if you require our further assistance. Thank you. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
4 Posts
kingratgraphics posted this 02 September 2022

As a designer, I find some of those limitations unnecessary and burdensome to work around. My client purchased the license that I use, and it's very difficult to justify to them why they must upgrade again for these restraints, particularly since they've already paid for their subscription, so why pay again? Yet I wholly agree with them because the next upgrade will probably have more limitations, and so on.

I wish you wouldn't restrict any common tools or tasks. It feels a bit scammy to do that after already paying you to use your technology, as all it does is waste your paid customers' time in figuring out how to get around them and source the Code somewhere else to add to your code, which delays us and is anti-productive.

As a designer, I find some of those limitations unnecessary and burdensome to work around. My client purchased the license that I use, and it's very difficult to justify to them why they must upgrade again for these restraints, particularly since they've already paid for their subscription, so why pay again? Yet I wholly agree with them because the next upgrade will probably have more limitations, and so on. I wish you wouldn't restrict any common tools or tasks. It feels a bit scammy to do that after already paying you to use your technology, as all it does is waste your paid customers' time in figuring out how to get around them and source the Code somewhere else to add to your code, which delays us and is anti-productive.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 02 September 2022


The limitations are listed on the Purchase page and you can review them before purchasing the license to decide what exact license would be enough for you.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi, The limitations are listed on the Purchase page and you can review them before purchasing the license to decide what exact license would be enough for you. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
4 Posts
kingratgraphics posted this 07 September 2022

Yes, but in reality, we never really know exactly what is limited until you get the annoying messages when trying to change font size or colour offering you to pay more money to do that. Seriously, limited font size and colour? Come on... That's something everyone will need to do, so in effect, everyone will have to upgrade. You may as well just have the Ultimate plan and rid the others and save everyone the effort and disappointment...

Yes, but in reality, we never really know exactly what is limited until you get the annoying messages when trying to change font size or colour offering you to pay more money to do that. Seriously, limited font size and colour? Come on... That's something everyone will need to do, so in effect, everyone will have to upgrade. You may as well just have the Ultimate plan and rid the others and save everyone the effort and disappointment...

Last edited 07 September 2022 by kingratgraphics

2768 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 07 September 2022

The fact you mentioned you have a client implies a Personal plan might not work for you.

The fact you mentioned you have a client implies a Personal plan might not work for you.
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