website update

1 Posts
arikrozental23 posted this 06 August 2022
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I made a website through your website and now I want to update it.
I don't see the website in the dashboard.
Can you please explain to me how this can be done?
I have all the files from the previous website.

Hi, I made a website through your website and now I want to update it. I don't see the website in the dashboard. Can you please explain to me how this can be done? I have all the files from the previous website. Thanks
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MerlinAZ posted this 06 August 2022

If the previous site was made in the online web app, are you logged in?
If you used the desktop app, the biggest cause of this is users moving files that should be left alone, inside the Documents\Nicepage folder.
What folders do you have there?
Did you ever export a Project file backup? Or have backups inside the Documents\Nicepage\backups folder?

If the previous site was made in the online web app, are you logged in? If you used the desktop app, the biggest cause of this is users moving files that should be left alone, inside the Documents\Nicepage folder. What folders do you have there? Did you ever export a Project file backup? Or have backups inside the Documents\Nicepage\backups folder?

Last edited 06 August 2022 by MerlinAZ

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