Header and menu keep showing "Edit" in the front-end

14 Posts
idso.brouwer posted this 27 June 2022
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As you can see in the attachment, Ik keep getting "Edit this menu" in the main menu Heading. How do I turn this off ?

As you can see in the attachment, Ik keep getting "Edit this menu" in the main menu Heading. How do I turn this off ?
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Ch3vr0n posted this 27 June 2022

logout of your cms or change joomla's global configuration i think it is that allows front-end module editing

logout of your cms or change joomla's global configuration i think it is that allows front-end module editing
14 Posts
idso.brouwer posted this 27 June 2022

Thanks, that fixed it. With everything that is so complicated with Nicepage you sometimes forget the easy things :-)

Thanks, that fixed it. With everything that is so complicated with Nicepage you sometimes forget the easy things :-)
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