Still confused about HTML export in the free desktop version of Nicepage

2 Posts
m_wellnitz posted this 24 May 2022
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I am using the free desktop version of Nicepage, and I am very much interested in exporting the finished website into a folder on my computer with all the relevant HTML-, CSS-, and JS-files, so that I can then have my website hosted somewhere. I understand from forum discussions and from remarks on your website that this is entirely possible, even in the free version, as long as the website does not have more than five pages.

As a matter of fact the HTML-export does somehow work for me, although the export button in the menu has a yellow crown next to it (which suggests some sort of paid plan, in contradiction to the statement that the export function is free). However, an inspection of the exported HTML files shows that they are far from the original in the Nicepage Desktop application; there is only text and rudimentary formatting; no images, no background, no header etc.

Can anybody explain this?

I am grateful for any help.


Hi, I am using the free desktop version of Nicepage, and I am very much interested in exporting the finished website into a folder on my computer with all the relevant HTML-, CSS-, and JS-files, so that I can then have my website hosted somewhere. I understand from forum discussions and from remarks on your website that this is entirely possible, even in the free version, as long as the website does not have more than five pages. As a matter of fact the HTML-export does somehow work for me, although the export button in the menu has a yellow crown next to it (which suggests some sort of paid plan, in contradiction to the statement that the export function is free). However, an inspection of the exported HTML files shows that they are far from the original in the Nicepage Desktop application; there is only text and rudimentary formatting; no images, no background, no header etc. Can anybody explain this? I am grateful for any help. Malte

Last edited 24 May 2022 by m_wellnitz

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 May 2022


Yes, you can export the theme as the HTML site. The crown sign shows that this is a premium feature but pressing the export button once again allows you to export it, you will just see this notification each time.

As for the export, please let me know if you have uploaded the exported folder to your site so we could see the missing parts. Also attach a screenshot of the page from your editor so we could see how it looks like.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Yes, you can export the theme as the HTML site. The crown sign shows that this is a premium feature but pressing the export button once again allows you to export it, you will just see this notification each time. As for the export, please let me know if you have uploaded the exported folder to your site so we could see the missing parts. Also attach a screenshot of the page from your editor so we could see how it looks like. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
2 Posts
m_wellnitz posted this 24 May 2022

Hello Hella,

thank you very much for your super-quick response. Meanwhile, it seems that my problem was caused by an error of my own: There are two Nicepage-folders on my computer; one is simply called "Nicepage", the other "Nicepage templates", and both contain subfolders that have Html-files in them which clearly refer to my website. Before my post, I happened to check only the "Nicepage"-folder, and the files there do indeed produce the effect which I described in my first post. The files in the "Nicepage templates"-folder, however, work perfecty, but I have discovered them only just after your response.

So for now, everything is settled. Thank you very much! I'll write to you again should I run into new difficulties.

Best wishes

Hello Hella, thank you very much for your super-quick response. Meanwhile, it seems that my problem was caused by an error of my own: There are two Nicepage-folders on my computer; one is simply called "Nicepage", the other "Nicepage templates", and both contain subfolders that have Html-files in them which clearly refer to my website. Before my post, I happened to check only the "Nicepage"-folder, and the files there do indeed produce the effect which I described in my first post. The files in the "Nicepage templates"-folder, however, work perfecty, but I have discovered them only just after your response. So for now, everything is settled. Thank you very much! I'll write to you again should I run into new difficulties. Best wishes Malte
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 May 2022


Nice to hear that everything is fine. You can export the themes in any folder that you want in order to avoid such confusion.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nice to hear that everything is fine. You can export the themes in any folder that you want in order to avoid such confusion. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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