
Andrea Mazzoleni
5 Posts
Andrea Mazzoleni posted this 22 May 2022
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To include payment method in my page, do I need to have additionally the WordPress PRO plan to include payment plugins into my page, besides the Nicepage pro plan?

Hi To include payment method in my page, do I need to have additionally the WordPress PRO plan to include payment plugins into my page, besides the Nicepage pro plan?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 May 2022


Please show examples. You can illustrate this with screenshots.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Andrea, Please show examples. You can illustrate this with screenshots. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Andrea Mazzoleni
5 Posts
Andrea Mazzoleni posted this 23 May 2022

I would like to add a payment system for customers to the website. I'm wondering if it's enough to buy a PRO plan or if I also need to lease a PRO plan with WordPress, because when I want to add plugins it directs me to the payment page in there page.

Thank you,

best regards

Hi, I would like to add a payment system for customers to the website. I'm wondering if it's enough to buy a PRO plan or if I also need to lease a PRO plan with WordPress, because when I want to add plugins it directs me to the payment page in there page. Thank you, best regards
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 May 2022

Hi Andrea,

Nicepage does not have a payment system. You will need to use W with the WooCommerce component or Joomla with Virtuemart to build a shop. Nicepage can create WooCommerce and VirtueMart templates in the Peo and Ultimate editions.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Andrea, Nicepage does not have a payment system. You will need to use W with the WooCommerce component or Joomla with Virtuemart to build a shop. Nicepage can create WooCommerce and VirtueMart templates in the Peo and Ultimate editions. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Andrea Mazzoleni
5 Posts
Andrea Mazzoleni posted this 23 May 2022

Thank you for the explanation.

Best regaerds

Thank you for the explanation. Best regaerds
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