about web hosting

31 Posts
philippe.t posted this 07 May 2022
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i have licence Nicepage Pro Edition.
where is the web hosting ?
how to install wordpress or joomla cms in your system ?
where is the ftp system ?
Is it recent php , mysql ?


hello, i have licence Nicepage Pro Edition. where is the web hosting ? how to install wordpress or joomla cms in your system ? where is the ftp system ? Is it recent php , mysql ? regards philippe
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2723 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 07 May 2022

Online web app, publish.
Desktop app, export to Web (Nicepage host), or Wordpress/Joomla.

Online web app, publish. Desktop app, export to Web (Nicepage host), or Wordpress/Joomla.

Last edited 07 May 2022 by MerlinAZ

Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 May 2022

Hi Philippe,

Thanks for contacting us and your interest in Nicepage

Our hosting is different from usual hosting and doesn't provide an installation of CMS.

As it was mentioned above, you can publish your websites directly in the Nicepage Desktop app and in the Online Builder. Also, you can assign a custom domain name to your website.
Check the documentation below
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi Philippe, Thanks for contacting us and your interest in Nicepage Our hosting is different from usual hosting and doesn't provide an installation of CMS. As it was mentioned above, you can publish your websites directly in the Nicepage Desktop app and in the Online Builder. Also, you can assign a custom domain name to your website. Check the documentation below https://nicepage.com/doc/1293/assign-a-domain ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
31 Posts
philippe.t posted this 07 May 2022


Your sales page puts us in confusion on hosting with joomla or wordpress since you mention it here:

I feel like ultimately it's only for static pages without cms. This is not what I understood because you do not specify for what kind of site this hosting works. So we can't make a site like an evolved blog or an ecommerce.
It's a pity.


ok Your sales page puts us in confusion on hosting with joomla or wordpress since you mention it here: https://nicepage.com/premium#:~:text=Wordpress%20and%20Joomla I feel like ultimately it's only for static pages without cms. This is not what I understood because you do not specify for what kind of site this hosting works. So we can't make a site like an evolved blog or an ecommerce. It's a pity. Regards Philippe
2723 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 07 May 2022

Online Nicepage host no CMS.
You can do html or CMS with your own host.

Online Nicepage host no CMS. You can do html or CMS with your own host.

Last edited 07 May 2022 by MerlinAZ

Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 May 2022

Your sales page puts us in confusion on hosting with joomla or wordpress since you mention it here:

Please attach the screenshot for the part that makes confusion. In our page it's not mentioned that our customers can install such CMS like WordPress and Joomla. What we offer is Nicepage plugin for WordPress and Nicepage extension for Joomla. Just design your website in the Nicepage Desktop app or Online Builder and export the website into WordPress or Joomla website installed on your own hosting.

Also, we provide an unlimited free trial period so the users can investigate the Nicepage possibilities or they can always contact us to clarify all questions they may have.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

>Your sales page puts us in confusion on hosting with joomla or wordpress since you mention it here: https://nicepage.com/premium#:~:text=Wordpress%20and%20Joomla Please attach the screenshot for the part that makes confusion. In our page it's not mentioned that our customers can install such CMS like WordPress and Joomla. What we offer is Nicepage plugin for WordPress and Nicepage extension for Joomla. Just design your website in the Nicepage Desktop app or Online Builder and export the website into WordPress or Joomla website installed on your own hosting. Also, we provide an unlimited free trial period so the users can investigate the Nicepage possibilities or they can always contact us to clarify all questions they may have. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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