Website publishing

2 Posts
yiltirov13 posted this 24 March 2022
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I need to publish on the internet my new website. My domain is hosted by Google Domains. It says Site export limited when I tried publish. I need Help. I did not publish my Website.

I need to publish on the internet my new website. My domain is hosted by Google Domains. It says Site export limited when I tried publish. I need Help. I did not publish my Website.
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MerlinAZ posted this 24 March 2022

If you are using the free Starter version, you can't assign a custom domain to Nicepage hosted sites.
If you are using a licensed version, you can upload your site to either your own host or Nicepage host and assign your domain.
You need to make sure you aren't using more sites than your plan allows.
If it's the Personal plan, it allows one site. Make sure you log into the online builder and delete anything there, and also look at your desktop builder and make sure no other sites were uploaded before uploading this one.
If there's an error, post a screenshot.

If you are using the free Starter version, you can't assign a custom domain to Nicepage hosted sites. If you are using a licensed version, you can upload your site to either your own host or Nicepage host and assign your domain. You need to make sure you aren't using more sites than your plan allows. If it's the Personal plan, it allows one site. Make sure you log into the online builder and delete anything there, and also look at your desktop builder and make sure no other sites were uploaded before uploading this one. If there's an error, post a screenshot.

Last edited 24 March 2022 by MerlinAZ

Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 March 2022


For the Personal you can have only one site published both online and from the Applcication. Please unpublish all websites online and offline, and publish the one you need.

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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AKMALJON, For the Personal you can have only one site published both online and from the Applcication. Please unpublish all websites online and offline, and publish the one you need. ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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