Header Menu

7 Posts
nomadicadventures posted this 23 February 2022
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Hello - is there away to have a double step in on the header menu. At the moment there is only room e.g. for


I am trying to do e..g
Sub Menu
Sub Sub menu


Hello - is there away to have a double step in on the header menu. At the moment there is only room e.g. for MENU WITH ONE DROP DOWN I am trying to do e..g MENU Sub Menu Sub Sub menu Thanks
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3 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 February 2022

Hi, Nomad,

If you want your menu items to have two, three, and more levels of submenu items, simply drag your items under other menu items. Please see the attached screenshot. Is this what you want to achieve?

enter image description here

Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nomad, If you want your menu items to have two, three, and more levels of submenu items, simply drag your items under other menu items. Please see the attached screenshot. Is this what you want to achieve? ![enter image description here][1] ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp [1]: https://i.imgur.com/Y0lGFIj.png
Vitaliy WD
179 Posts
Vitaliy WD posted this 23 February 2022


Nicepage have lack of many options to be as simple as possible with clean UI.

Meanwhile there is more advanced tool from Nicepage developers: Themler - there you can add sub sub menu and even create megamenu. But Themler is more for template development, not for content. You can try to use Themler + 3rd Party Page Builder (Nicepage or SP Page Builder).

Themler is quite old, but more advanced and stable tool. We ask developers for new version, you can also vote for Themler 2.0 with Bootstrap 5 and support only two CMS: Joomla 4 and WordPress 5.

So if you need more professional tool with many options and possibilities, check out Themler.

Hello. Nicepage have lack of many options to be as simple as possible with clean UI. ㅤ Meanwhile there is more advanced tool from Nicepage developers: [Themler][1] - there you can add sub sub menu and even create megamenu. But Themler is more for template development, not for content. You can try to use Themler + 3rd Party Page Builder (Nicepage or SP Page Builder). Themler is quite old, but more advanced and stable tool. We ask developers for new version, you can also vote for [Themler 2.0 with Bootstrap 5 and support only two CMS: Joomla 4 and WordPress 5][2]. So if you need more professional tool with many options and possibilities, check out Themler. [1]: https://themler.io/ [2]: https://answers.themler.io/questions/214290/themler-2-0-with-bootstrap-5-and-support-only-two-cms-joomla-4-and-wordpress-5
7 Posts
nomadicadventures posted this 23 February 2022

Awesome - thank you

Awesome - thank you
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