Joomla site - using Community Builder with NicePage

31 Posts
MSGdesign posted this 30 December 2021
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I am planning on creating a new Joomla website using nicepage template. This new site will need Community Builder for their membership forms -

Are you aware of any issues using Community Builder with a NP template?

Hi I am planning on creating a new Joomla website using nicepage template. This new site will need Community Builder for their membership forms - Are you aware of any issues using Community Builder with a NP template? thanks, Mitzi
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 January 2022

Hi, Mitzi,

We are sorry for the delay.

Unfortunately, we haven't tested Nicepage with this plugin. Maybe some of our users tried to work with Nicepage and Community Builder. You can wait for their answer. Or you can test it on your own and tell us about the result.

Please let us know if you need our further help!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Mitzi, We are sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, we haven't tested Nicepage with this plugin. Maybe some of our users tried to work with Nicepage and Community Builder. You can wait for their answer. Or you can test it on your own and tell us about the result. Please let us know if you need our further help! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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