parallel menu

2 Posts
obraoiromarketing posted this 29 December 2021
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Can I have a different menu inside my webpage? I'd like to change some hyperlinks inside the menu but not in the whole webpage, only on certain pages. Everytime I change anything in the menu it affects every page and it is frustrating.
thank you very much! we are seriously considering add the premium version in order to work with you and create or whole ecosystem with nicepage!

Can I have a different menu inside my webpage? I'd like to change some hyperlinks inside the menu but not in the whole webpage, only on certain pages. Everytime I change anything in the menu it affects every page and it is frustrating. thank you very much! we are seriously considering add the premium version in order to work with you and create or whole ecosystem with nicepage!
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 30 December 2021


Thanks for your interest in Nicepage. The menu is the same on all site pages. If you create a theme for WP or Joomla you can use CMS tools to assign different menus for different pages.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Thanks for your interest in Nicepage. The menu is the same on all site pages. If you create a theme for WP or Joomla you can use CMS tools to assign different menus for different pages. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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