User accounts?

1 Posts
stephen20622 posted this 24 November 2021
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I purchased ultimate edition, but I believe I also need the monthly service. I am looking to be able to have my web developer on my team connect to the app? Is there a user or login for them that can be created?

I purchased ultimate edition, but I believe I also need the monthly service. I am looking to be able to have my web developer on my team connect to the app? Is there a user or login for them that can be created?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 November 2021

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for contacting us and acquiring the Nicepage Ultimate Edition license.

Please refer to the article about additional licenses -

Let us know if you have any further questions or require any assistance.

Thank you.
Ahmad M.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Stephen, Thanks for contacting us and acquiring the Nicepage Ultimate Edition license. Please refer to the article about additional licenses - Let us know if you have any further questions or require any assistance. Thank you. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad M. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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