Download a wordpress file with designer pack

7 Posts
jose.misran posted this 09 November 2021
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Hi team Nicepage,

I want to export my Nicepage file into a Wordpress file.
As you can see my account already contains a designer pack and I pay a monthly fee.

However, when I click on the export option I am unable to download the Wordpress file.
When viewing the options for Designer Package it shows I must be able to download and export Wordpress files. So how come I can't download it?

Hi team Nicepage, I want to export my Nicepage file into a Wordpress file. As you can see my account already contains a designer pack and I pay a monthly fee. However, when I click on the export option I am unable to download the Wordpress file. When viewing the options for Designer Package it shows I must be able to download and export Wordpress files. So how come I can't download it?
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7 Posts
jose.misran posted this 09 November 2021
Pls find enclosed proof of the "personal pack" I have paid for, this says it should cover the exports for WordPress.
Pls check my account and profile, it seems it does not show correctly as I can't export the needed files. !Schermafbeelding-2021-11-09-om-15.08.12.png!Pls find enclosed proof of the "personal pack" I have paid for, this says it should cover the exports for WordPress. Pls check my account and profile, it seems it does not show correctly as I can't export the needed files.

Last edited 09 November 2021 by jose.misran

Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 November 2021

Hi, Jose,

Thanks for being our customer!

As I understand, you are trying to use Nicepage Online for exporting your website to WordPress. The fact is that your license provides Premium features to Nicepage Desktop and the Nicepage CMS plugin. Export to WP is a Premium feature in Nicepage Online. The Designer App Pack license doesn't include Premium features for Nicepage Online.

If you have completely designed your website in Nicepage Online, you can easily export your website from Online as a Project, import it to Desktop and export it to WordPress from there.

Please let us know if you need our further help.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Jose, Thanks for being our customer! As I understand, you are trying to use **Nicepage Online** for exporting your website to WordPress. The fact is that your license provides Premium features to **Nicepage Desktop** and the Nicepage CMS plugin. Export to WP is a Premium feature in Nicepage Online. The *Designer App Pack* license doesn't include Premium features for Nicepage Online. If you have completely designed your website in Nicepage Online, you can easily export your website from Online as a Project, import it to Desktop and export it to WordPress from there. Please let us know if you need our further help. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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